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Any ISX Cummins(big rig engine) guys? fault codes

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  • Any ISX Cummins(big rig engine) guys? fault codes

    I have one at work on a trash truck that has multiple codes and a check engine light. It has a 0555, 0556, and 0559.
    555-Crankcase pressure - Data valid but above normal operating range. Moderatly sever level
    556-Crankcase Pressure - Data Valid but Above Normal Operational Range - Most severe level
    559-Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure - Data Valid But Below Normal Operating Range- Moderately Severe Level
    I can look up the diag tree but im wondering if anyone has run into this before? Im thinking it needs a lift pump but I dont have a lot of experience with diesel diagnostics.
    Last edited by stephen4785; 06-06-2011, 08:49 PM.

  • #2
    Truck has a Crank Case Vent filter on the back of the valve cover, most likely its full of blow by and needs to be replaced. Seems common on any of the DPF equipped cummins motors.
    And for the 559 Im willing to put my money on the truck is going into its Regen cycle and when that happens there is a 4th injection event that injects fuel on the exhaust stroke to burn off what soot deposits are in the DPF Filter.



    • #3
      PM Strychnine, Blue302stang, or AnthonyS


      • #4
        Originally posted by Stunter Bob View Post
        the truck is going into its Regen cycle and when that happens there is a 4th injection event that injects fuel on the exhaust stroke to burn off what soot deposits are in the DPF Filter.
        MR engines do HC dosing through an injection pulse on the exhaust stroke but the HD engines have a 7th injector in the turbo outlet to handle it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
          MR engines do HC dosing through an injection pulse on the exhaust stroke but the HD engines have a 7th injector in the turbo outlet to handle it.
          That is something I did not know! Good to know though
          So the 7th injector is full diesel not urea?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Stunter Bob View Post
            That is something I did not know! Good to know though
            So the 7th injector is full diesel not urea?
            Yeah, there's a cast piece that is marmon flanged to the turbo outlet and it has an small injector w/ a hard fuel line running to it. The OEM exhaust system then marmon flanges up to that. The pic is 2010 engine so it has a NOx sensor in that cast part also.

            On the 2010 stuff the DEF injector is in a piece called the "decomp tube" and it's further down the line, between the DPF outlet and the SCR inlet.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
              Yeah, there's a cast piece that is marmon flanged to the turbo outlet and it has an small injector w/ a hard fuel line running to it. The OEM exhaust system then marmon flanges up to that. The pic is 2010 engine so it has a NOx sensor in that cast part also.

              On the 2010 stuff the DEF injector is in a piece called the "decomp tube" and it's further down the line, between the DPF outlet and the SCR inlet.
              Yea I know on the medium duty trucks where the DEF and SCR are located but had no idea about a raw fuel injector on those trucks. Good info to know!



              • #8
                My update-
                Well it's an ISL engine not an ISX. I posted the same thing on another board and a guy said that he had run into the same code and it was the "front fuelling actuator". Hes said if it were the lift pump or injection pump I would have a 429 code saying all fuel pressure below normal. The fueling actuator controls te 1-3 injectors.
                Make any sense?

