Any ideas on how to get out a stuck slide pin out of the rear bracket? My brackets are powder coated, so i need to be kinda careful in not scratching them. The pin will turn in circles, but its stuck pushed in.
2002 4.6L 5spd S281
So fast i make speedy gonzales look like regular gonzales
the wierd part is that i just got them calipers back from powder coating and they havent even been used yet. The calipers were completely torn down before, so i dont get why the pin would be stuck from just re-assembly.
2002 4.6L 5spd S281
So fast i make speedy gonzales look like regular gonzales
I stick a box end wrench on them and hit the wrench with a hammer. Once out I have a wire brush on a drill that I reem the hole, and take the pin to the bench grinder. Then grease it when putting back together.
"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
Finally got it out. There was a ton of grease in the hole, so the only thing i can see that could have possibly been causing it to get stuck was that there is a little rubber boot/cover on the end of the slide pin that goes into the bracket. That boot had a small chunk that was starting to tear off. I'm assuming that's what was catching it and not allowing the pin to move freely. I guess i'll get some new slide pins and clean out the hole.
2002 4.6L 5spd S281
So fast i make speedy gonzales look like regular gonzales