I use to work for Autozone back in 97-2000 and I thought I did a pretty damn good job, but these people today are the SUCK! I went into O'reilly's looking for wix oil filters for my 95 Cobra and 93 Lightning. I should have looked up the part numbers before hand. The guy pulls up the filter for the Cobra and then asks me what model of Cobra I have. I tell him not the "R" but just the SVT. He says "yeah but what about the Exc. SVT Cobra?" Ha ha ha! WTF! The Lightning is even more of a challenge. I tell him I need the oil filter for a 93 Lightning. He looks for a second then says "that's a Chrysler Lightning right?"
I said no its a Ford F150, and then he says, "oh yeah I know what that is." Begins to look it up and then dissapears into the back to get the oil filter. Comes back with this short little filter about the size of a Light bulb. Tuns out he transposed the last two digits. He then goes back to get the "correct" filter and brings me out 51372 for a 94-95 Lightning. Idiots! I always seem to go through this when getting filters for these 2 vehicles. Perhaps I'm the idiot for not learning my lesson. 30 mins to get 2 filters and 12 qts of oil. Hey at least the oil was on sale. Ok, rant off.
