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Help with a problem

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  • Help with a problem

    So i have been having some issues with my 89 stang that started suddenly. I have severe Ignition break up at idle and throught all RPMs. i have replaced the module, Distributer, pick-up, coil, and have even tried an msd ignition box. All have the same results. I tried to reset the timing and found that if i pulled the shout chip the car stop have the ignition break up. once inserted back in the problem starts again. I have no idea what the issue could be. I am thinking at this point it must be the ECU. Has anyone had this issue and can anyone help.
    Nitrous is like a hot girl with an STD. You wanna hit it but your afraid of the consequences!

    90 GT Carb 331, heads cam and a lot of bottle
    95 Tbird SC forged 3.8, MPX supercharger, heads cam, and a little bottle

  • #2
    IMO you need to start with the simplest things like plugs and wires. Check plugs for fouling and wires for damage.



    • #3
      Oh yeah i forgot to mention. Plugs, wires, cap, rotor, throttle body sensor, pro flow MAF, idle air valve, the works. new motor all new sensors. the wiring harness and the computer are the only things that have not changed.
      Nitrous is like a hot girl with an STD. You wanna hit it but your afraid of the consequences!

      90 GT Carb 331, heads cam and a lot of bottle
      95 Tbird SC forged 3.8, MPX supercharger, heads cam, and a little bottle


      • #4
        Needs a LSx in it. Roller is rejecting the motor.


        • #5
          It will act like that if you are using the wrong firing order as well. It will run on either one, but like shit on the wrong one. The HO firing order is 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8, Non HO firing order is 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8


          • #6
            Try to unplug the mass air while its running and see if it smooths out . We had this problem with one of our cars and it would run ok with the mass air un pluged . Turns out it was a stuck injector and limp mode leaned it out enough to run . Swaped in some new injectors and the problem was solved . Thank God for the Greenbullit hotline !
            Big Rooster Racing


            • #7
              I think you still have a bad tfi or an improperly timed dist...
              Last edited by greenbullitt; 04-21-2011, 12:39 PM.
              Ring and pinion specialist


              • #8
                Originally posted by stangstew View Post
                Oh yeah i forgot to mention. Plugs, wires, cap, rotor, throttle body sensor, pro flow MAF, idle air valve, the works. new motor all new sensors. the wiring harness and the computer are the only things that have not changed.
                Have you verified the TDC mark on your balancer to make sure it true?


                • #9
                  yes I have check tdc twice. tried both firing orders and unpluged the mass air and made things worse. i can pull the shout chip so that the timing is locked out i put 6 degrees in it and it smooths out nd runs smoth through the rpms. pu the chip back i and the problem starts again. i took the shout from and friends car and it didn't help. I am fixing to light a match to this thing and just burn this f@%ker to the ground. also put in a new ingition switch.
                  Nitrous is like a hot girl with an STD. You wanna hit it but your afraid of the consequences!

                  90 GT Carb 331, heads cam and a lot of bottle
                  95 Tbird SC forged 3.8, MPX supercharger, heads cam, and a little bottle


                  • #10
                    thanks for all the advice guys. I think that the ECU is bad. tried to check for codes and the ECU wont even talk to the obd1 scanner.
                    Nitrous is like a hot girl with an STD. You wanna hit it but your afraid of the consequences!

                    90 GT Carb 331, heads cam and a lot of bottle
                    95 Tbird SC forged 3.8, MPX supercharger, heads cam, and a little bottle


                    • #11
                      ohh and sosoe i am thinking real hard about doing an LSsomething swap
                      Nitrous is like a hot girl with an STD. You wanna hit it but your afraid of the consequences!

                      90 GT Carb 331, heads cam and a lot of bottle
                      95 Tbird SC forged 3.8, MPX supercharger, heads cam, and a little bottle


                      • #12
                        swap the dizzy as the pip sensor could do it too before you go the ecu route
                        Ring and pinion specialist


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by greenbullitt View Post
                          swap the dizzy as the pip sensor could do it too before you go the ecu route
                          X2 and I've got an extra dizzy if you want to try it.


                          • #14
                            i think i am having a retard moment. Dizzy and pip?
                            Nitrous is like a hot girl with an STD. You wanna hit it but your afraid of the consequences!

                            90 GT Carb 331, heads cam and a lot of bottle
                            95 Tbird SC forged 3.8, MPX supercharger, heads cam, and a little bottle


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by stangstew View Post
                              i think i am having a retard moment. Dizzy and pip?
                              the pip is the pickup inside the distributor. Ill put 20.00 on that being the problem.Replace with a used/new distributor, its less time consuming.

                              edit! if the balancer is correct in referencing tdc and the dist is stabbed right, however, pip can cause what you describe
                              Last edited by greenbullitt; 04-21-2011, 09:03 PM.
                              Ring and pinion specialist

