^^^^^ You still haven't acknowledged that your preferred political party's platform matches up with the Nazi party's platform by about 80%.
Please remind me again who the Neo Nazis are?
No one here has EVER answered me in regards to the question of whther or not Black members of The Nation of Islam are held with the same disregard as basically anyone from the middle east who identifies as muslim.
It's for my own social experiment, feel free to answer.
Also, since you are obsessed with the KKK, how do you feel about the NBPP?
Evading arrest in a motor vehicle became a felony almost 20 years ago
september 2000 i believe, i was popped january or february 2001. If HobieF3 still posted here he could tell us for sure. I used to ride with crews that he rode with and running was normal. That wasnt the first time i ran from the cops. I cant tell you how many times we got busted out at royal, nwhwy, newkirk and emerald, and would take off, only to get cornered a few blocks away.
as far as why i stopped. if you have ever been in the colony you would know it is or was essentially one way in, one way out. i got trapped in a neighborhood trying to get back to one of our fellow board members houses, and decided to take the L for myself, rather than bring the police to the party. how despicable, right!?
I went to jail for that charge, but i decided to not cost my family any more money after i violated probation with another charge, and decided to leave school, go sit 181 days, and be off paper forever. would do it again, and laugh at pussies like Brian Dart who would get folded up like a suitcase the first night thinking they are tough, or end up washing some AB's underwear for protection.
you took me being upset about racism, and used racism against me to defend your beliefs.
Things to take from this post:
1. SVO is legit, and a nice guy.
2. SS Junk is literally pregnant with retardation.
3. Craizie doesnt actually have an opinion, just wants to be seen.
4. BlandNuts might actually be gay, which is not alarming for the demographic.
5. Line-em-up wouldnt bust a grape in a fruit fight.
6. Scootoro is the nice naynay.
7. Gasser has been and forever will be a Nobody.
8. AnthonyS didnt even post in here, but he has to be medicated, or something.
9. The King is so low on the totem pole his posts dont even load for me.
10. sc281= layin low like a mofo...hmmmm.... (suspect)