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  • #46


    • #47
      I just wanted to stop by and apologize to Brian.

      Over the years I may have said too much about our interactions.

      I never thought it would lead to 4 straight days of Sig239 of all people blowing your asshole wide open as wyoming.

      You've gotta come back from this!



      • #48
        Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy View Post
        any riding pics? i'm planning on packing my shit and moving to boise around april.
        Boise is growing like crazy right now. I've heard there are a lot of Californians trying to escape and moving there. Nice area, though. Supposedly that is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation as of now. Don't have any pics of anything special.

        Originally posted by FAKENEWS FUCKTARD View Post
        Sig239 of all people...
        You two pillow talk and this how you treat the poor bastard? Did the meth mouth thing get in the way of a good time? Love what you've done with the place. After those Obama-like promises of making the Smacketorium great again you've turned it into nothing more than a desolate shithole. That's of course until a few white folk show up. Sad!


        • #49
          hey buddy, dont flip it on me. He's diggin in your ass, not mine.

          as the moderator, i score this one:

          Sig239 - 1
          SS Junk - 0

          I'm gonna need you to go ahead and sign for this L

          THE BAD HOMBRE


          • #50
            LOL... right on, fakenews. Methmouth isn't digging into your ass because he's already been there. Told me you were one of his best lot lizards, but that's none of my business.

            One of methmouth fucktard's better days:

            Were you in the cab being a distraction?

            "Thank a trucker!"


            • #51
              Yes i saw when jordon posted that as well. Glad your call log isnt full today.
              THE BAD HOMBRE


              • #52
                You sticking up for methtard now? LOL!
                Are you enjoying your MLK day, fakenews? Did you call in, or are you working that plunger for the MAN?


                • #53
                  nah, working holiday pay, and by working i mean relishing in the fact that a crack head ass truck driver just dismantled you piece by piece with the bread crumbs i have given him over the years. I'm actually gonna make this one a sticky.

                  I figured CWO would be the one to fold you up, but nope, it took only an 8th grade education, and a few performance enhancing drugs.
                  THE BAD HOMBRE


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by naynay View Post
                    nah, working holiday pay, and by working i mean relishing in the fact that a crack head ass truck driver just dismantled you piece by piece with the bread crumbs i have given him over the years. I'm actually gonna make this one a sticky.
                    LOL.. got damn... One of methtmouth's teeth cut you deep? That's no way to talk about your doppelganger! Embarrassed to be affiliated so now you're mouthing off. Sad!
                    So, in other words, you called in because you are going to show the man who's boss by vacating your plunger and keepin' it real?
                    You see this one as well?

                    You down to a tee.


                    • #55
                      you've resorted to live leak videos?

                      that's actually, really, truly sad.

                      no worries. BATMAN (aka al p) will be along shortly to give you a decent talking point, and a new insult to use for the 1st fiscal quarter.
                      THE BAD HOMBRE


                      • #56
                        go home Brian, you didnt make the team
                        THE BAD HOMBRE


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by naynay View Post
                          you've resorted to live leak videos?
                          It's the best example of how you posture, get a beat down and you then run away. It's some sort of libtard metrosexual code that no one else understands.
                          I take it you and methmouth methtard are officially through?

                          Originally posted by FAKENEWS FUCKTARD View Post
                          go home Brian, you didnt make the team
                          BTW, just saw this gem. Pretty rough sentence for a proclaimed literary scholar. More fakenews or affirmative action? Probably should borrow methtard's speak and spell next time around if you two ever make up.
                          Last edited by SS Junk; 01-15-2018, 04:00 PM.


                          • #58
                            Cuntiest thread of all time.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                              Cuntiest thread of all time.
                              Smells like a moist cunt in here.


                              • #60
                                just a quick reminder. this had nothing to do with me, just the two absolute biggest morons on this forum beating their chest about who's my bigger fan.
                                THE BAD HOMBRE

