Fakenews Fucktard be looking at this thread all like
so ya know, this site has become a laughing stock. i dont look at anything here seriously. i'd love to see a pic of anthony, sig, or the king though. i know what your dumbass looks like, and we have already covered the fact that your next child might actually be mine, biologically, so from there, this is all in fun, and i hope you treat my son well.
Doesn't take anything seriously, but then posts up crying about wanting to block someone and keeps trying to convince everyone about not being the Erkl/Lewis/effeminate liberal shitbag which is portrayed over and over...
Mkay, fakenews fucktard. I think the next step is how you take care of your kids and haven't been to jail and you don't push turds for a living.
so ya know, this site has become a laughing stock. i dont look at anything here seriously. i'd love to see a pic of anthony, sig, or the king though.
The site is just fine, and you singlehandedly provide the laughingstock material here in the monkey cage where it belongs. Thanks for filling that role so well, boy!
Unfortunately for your nosy cunt ass, those who need to know any worthwhile particulars about me do, while those that don't do not. You are and shall remain among the latter, so deal with it attention whore.