Naynay thought this was in the bag for HRC. It'll be rather interesting what humorous tidbits we'll see from him this point forward.
And really mods, it's time to let him out of his cage. He adds a lot of insightful color commentary to the forum. Might actually increase traffic with his sage enlightenment. He's harmless. Only the weak and the wounded would be offended by anything he might have to say under any given set of circumstances.
And really mods, it's time to let him out of his cage. He adds a lot of insightful color commentary to the forum. Might actually increase traffic with his sage enlightenment. He's harmless. Only the weak and the wounded would be offended by anything he might have to say under any given set of circumstances.
He has a bad habit of screwing up the content around here, by being quite successful at derailing a lot of otherwise good threads. Leave him in there