Originally posted by Paladin
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However, put yourself in other people's shoes. I personally do not trust most LEOs anymore. Essentially, it feels like the police forces are the enforcers for local/state/federal government and do not have the population's best interest in mind. Granted that's a top down thing, but the folks on the streets are the ones that have the problems from various jacked up policies.
I am not FTP, but like I said I don't trust LEOs.
Now moving on to folks who are just looking for any reason to kill cops. Look at what the media spins! Look at it...just look at it!

1. Media makes LEOs look bad.
2. Regardless if the LEO is right or wrong, everyone has that little doubt in the back of their mind if it was some sort of cover up (If cleared).
3. Positive police coverage does not draw rating, so it's rarely seen but I believe police do good things throughout everyday. #1 above does draw ratings though!
4. It just seems to me that the police tend to not be very plugged into communities anymore as well. So, no trust for the citizens.
Now to continue if you're black folk and feel slighted by the country as a whole, or just want to kill someone/LEOs - from a mental aspect the politicians and media have given them all the motivation they need.
You're a LEO in a society that is slowly (but increasingly) crumbling and disintegrating. Read up and catch on to reality, good folks at a minimum do not trust LEOs as a whole. Think what bad folks would do.
I do wish the best for you though, be careful out there.