Also, i can stand up for myself, but I don't live on this forum like most of you old asses with no real life or that have already settled down with some fat ass wife that you regret every second you're with (not mentioning any names) who probably also makes you reply yes ma'am to anything she tells you to do and this is your only escape away from it, so i'm not always going to be on here to bullshit back. Sorry guys. And yes that was a run-on sentence. I just want to make that known before one of you tries to look like the badass who calls out every grammer mistake while in real life you probably talk like a hill billy from hell or a scared ass pussy bitch.
I'm also sure that 99% of you would be just like the other guy on here who met me in person and couldn't talk shit to my face haha while my brother sits in the passanger seat laughing at your scared ass. No offense dude it was cool of you to actually have the guts to introduce yourself and admit that. Your officially a badass for being able to be real with me, unlike these fake bitches who take this whole forum seriously and are too afraid to come up to me in real life.
And as dumb as most of you like to call me on here, meet me in real life and lets talk real shit, even cars, and then tell me i'm stupid. pretty sure you wouldn't have anything negative to say since the two mechanics i've already met with were impressed on how much i know about cars. one of them even slipped their number on my inspection inside my car hahaha but im getting off subject now.
Now let the shit talking continue.
I'm also sure that 99% of you would be just like the other guy on here who met me in person and couldn't talk shit to my face haha while my brother sits in the passanger seat laughing at your scared ass. No offense dude it was cool of you to actually have the guts to introduce yourself and admit that. Your officially a badass for being able to be real with me, unlike these fake bitches who take this whole forum seriously and are too afraid to come up to me in real life.
And as dumb as most of you like to call me on here, meet me in real life and lets talk real shit, even cars, and then tell me i'm stupid. pretty sure you wouldn't have anything negative to say since the two mechanics i've already met with were impressed on how much i know about cars. one of them even slipped their number on my inspection inside my car hahaha but im getting off subject now.
Now let the shit talking continue.