he woulda learned more about being a man at my HS in the middle of acres homes (da 44 for those in the know.) you cant be from there and be a sensitive pussy.
he woulda learned more about being a man at my HS in the middle of acres homes (da 44 for those in the know.) you cant be from there and be a sensitive pussy.
But he's so good look'n! You jelly sumbitches ran him off. Now he's going to start his own message board for butt chugging bro-dudes. www.blakeskitakesabrewskiinthetootski.com
It's not that I want to fight anyone for their opinion, it's the bandwagon people who are jealous that I'm good looking and in shape. They just can't get over that my tattoos are dumb, which I guess maybe they don't have any. lol I love haters!
I still can't get over the fact that a grown man would type this nonsense.
OK, then.
When people mention that they have been to "a military academy", that usually means something like the Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, West Point.
This? puleeze.
Which brings up the next point of pathos:
You indicated you were given the nickname "Hardcore" In a military academy. Trying to make it sound like some badass MFers gave you a nickname, when in fact it was some -at best- high school age kids calling you Hardcore.
You might want to refrain from this story in the future.
I'm sad to say it, but the school has gone way down hill in the past few years from what I've heard from some of my old buddies. I'm still proud alumni, and enjoyed my years there.
OK, then.
When people mention that they have been to "a military academy", that usually means something like the Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, West Point.
This? puleeze.
Which brings up the next point of pathos:
You indicated you were given the nickname "Hardcore" In a military academy. Trying to make it sound like some badass MFers gave you a nickname, when in fact it was some -at best- high school age kids calling you Hardcore.
You might want to refrain from this story in the future.
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