Originally posted by CJ
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Originally posted by CJ View PostThat's a large part of the problem. The government runs education in this country, and a large portion of that government is invested in illegal immigration as a movement and voting block. Huge fucking problem and everyone loses.
Side note: You have no idea how happy it makes me to see this thread hijacked by intelligent conversation.
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Originally posted by Ratt View PostIn my mind, it all boils down to education
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Originally posted by CJ View PostAll of that makes sense. The one part I'd like to focus on is the "Citizen" part. That's how it's suppose to be, and that is exactly how it should be. Any American citizen has the right to do that, and should be able to do what they choose. However, a language is the most important binding aspect to any culture. We as Americans should all be able to communicate with one another. It's more important than heritage, it's essential to the success of a nation. Without the ability to communicate it will separate Americans from one another. As we've seen from our politicians, it's also used as a weapon to set one group of American's against the other. I recently learned quite a bit about La Raza and their ambitions to promote illegal immigration, and how they also advocate illegal immigrant usage of social programs, college education, and voting rights (yes voting rights for illegal immigrants). I had no idea about all of this, and I feel like others should know about it. I might have chosen the wrong thread to post it in.
In my mind, it all boils down to education, and it's getting to the point where the newest generations of immigrants can seriously stand there and tell you that they had no idea they needed paperwork to enter the country legally and not be telling you a lie. It's ingrained so much in other countries' cultures that you go to the USA to make a better life for yourself that they glaze over the fact that we have laws in place to make sure that they, the hard working huddled masses, get in, and the bad guys stay out.
Sorry, I could go on and on about either of these topics (in my mind the commercial issues and the immigration issues are separate). It hits really close to home on me for many reasons and on many levels. I spent probably close to, if not more than, $10,000 trying to get the USCIS to not only tell me my marriage to my wife (from China) would grant her a green card, but that it was even legal in the first place.
Edit: Thanks Eric and Craig. I'm an uneducated (didn't finish college, so only in "traditional terms") ass-hole with white privilege, but I know what my opinions are, and I like to think that I'm pretty fair when it comes to broad-reaching issues like this.
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Guest repliedWell said Neil.
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Originally posted by Ratt View PostThis thread is giving me fits of both laughter and facepalm.
People beholden to the idea of how a country should or shouldn't be, especially people with the point of view like Blakeski's, confound me to no end. This country was based on a general set of ideals that were nowhere near perfect. Even the founding fathers, who wrote the damned documents "freeing" us of the British, admitted it...several times.
To argue that you have any more right over what this country does and how this country behaves than the next American citizen is a completely invalid and illogical argument. Any other American Citizen has his/her/its right to express themselves just as you do, and for you to say that's incorrect or immoral is absolutely and completely subjective. For you to think otherwise would imply that you have more say than any other person. That's what you would call unbalanced, no? Guess what, you just argued against the "Democracy" you hold so near and dear, where every person has an equal say and every vote holds the same weight.
Why should the whole country be Christian just because you are? Why should we all have to speak English just because you do? Because that's what makes you more comfortable? Surely you see the ridiculous nature of these arguments...
Yes there are people here who speak other languages and very little to no English. English is not the most widely spoken country in the world. You know what is? Mandarin. Second? Nope, not English. It's Spanish. English is third. Guess what else? If you go visit countries whose native language is something other than English (especially China, anywhere in Europe, or Mexico), you're going to find native people who speak not only their native language, but also English and probably one or two other languages. Do you speak any Mandarin? No? How about Spanish? Oh a little? Good for you. What about the fourth most popular language? Do you know what it is without Googling it? It's Hindi. Do you speak that? Probably not. Open your tiny little mind for a minute and look at the big picture.
I just don't understand why anyone thinks they have any more privilege to anything else in this world that they didn't work for. You didn't start this country, you weren't around for its conception and inception, and, regardless of what closed-minded individuals think, you won't be around for its destruction and downfall.
The world is coming closer together faster than your tiny, constrained thought processes can comprehend on a political basis, monetary basis, and several other ways, and you're sitting there pulling on your own dick and patting yourself on the back for being "patriotic." Good job.
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All of that makes sense. The one part I'd like to focus on is the "Citizen" part. That's how it's suppose to be, and that is exactly how it should be. Any American citizen has the right to do that, and should be able to do what they choose. However, a language is the most important binding aspect to any culture. We as Americans should all be able to communicate with one another. It's more important than heritage, it's essential to the success of a nation. Without the ability to communicate it will separate Americans from one another. As we've seen from our politicians, it's also used as a weapon to set one group of American's against the other. I recently learned quite a bit about La Raza and their ambitions to promote illegal immigration, and how they also advocate illegal immigrant usage of social programs, college education, and voting rights (yes voting rights for illegal immigrants). I had no idea about all of this, and I feel like others should know about it. I might have chosen the wrong thread to post it in.
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And for the record, I do not disagree with CJ, but people are using this commercial to push their agendas with hidden meanings that are not there.
Also, I quite liked the commercial.
Edit: Also, Coke sucks, anyway. Dr. Pepper for life!
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This thread is giving me fits of both laughter and facepalm.
People beholden to the idea of how a country should or shouldn't be, especially people with the point of view like Blakeski's, confound me to no end. This country was based on a general set of ideals that were nowhere near perfect. Even the founding fathers, who wrote the damned documents "freeing" us of the British, admitted it...several times.
To argue that you have any more right over what this country does and how this country behaves than the next American citizen is a completely invalid and illogical argument. Any other American Citizen has his/her/its right to express themselves just as you do, and for you to say that's incorrect or immoral is absolutely and completely subjective. For you to think otherwise would imply that you have more say than any other person. That's what you would call unbalanced, no? Guess what, you just argued against the "Democracy" you hold so near and dear, where every person has an equal say and every vote holds the same weight.
Why should the whole country be Christian just because you are? Why should we all have to speak English just because you do? Because that's what makes you more comfortable? Surely you see the ridiculous nature of these arguments...
Yes there are people here who speak other languages and very little to no English. English is not the most widely spoken country in the world. You know what is? Mandarin. Second? Nope, not English. It's Spanish. English is third. Guess what else? If you go visit countries whose native language is something other than English (especially China, anywhere in Europe, or Mexico), you're going to find native people who speak not only their native language, but also English and probably one or two other languages. Do you speak any Mandarin? No? How about Spanish? Oh a little? Good for you. What about the fourth most popular language? Do you know what it is without Googling it? It's Hindi. Do you speak that? Probably not. Open your tiny little mind for a minute and look at the big picture.
I just don't understand why anyone thinks they have any more privilege to anything else in this world that they didn't work for. You didn't start this country, you weren't around for its conception and inception, and, regardless of what closed-minded individuals think, you won't be around for its destruction and downfall.
The world is coming closer together faster than your tiny, constrained thought processes can comprehend on a political basis, monetary basis, and several other ways, and you're sitting there pulling on your own dick and patting yourself on the back for being "patriotic." Good job.
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Originally posted by talisman View PostSinging in different languages means you're pro illegal immigration? Oh.Last edited by CJ; 02-04-2014, 05:43 PM.
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Guest repliedOriginally posted by 71chevellejohn View PostMy electronics were reversed engineered by 'Mericans in Roswell.
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Originally posted by talisman View Post
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Originally posted by racrguy View PostHis statement stinks of George Bush's "If you aren't with us you're against us." You're exactly right with the dangerous thinking statement.
Blakeski, you should spend less time partying and getting hardcore tattoos but spend more time thinking, learning, and observing. Hang out with people smarter than you are, force yourself to elevate to their level.
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