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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
    If I were in a situation that my wife and I were separated, I would expect to pay $1k/mo+. Hell, my daycare bill alone for my 4.5yr old daughter is $771/mo on average ($178*52/12). Factor in clothes (which she goes through at a ridiculous rate), food, entertainment, etc - you're looking WELL above $1k/mo in cost to support one child.

    Agree to disagree.
    Thats why I said "our scenario". My daughter stays with her grandmother during the day @ $400/mo. She eats like a bird, and we very rarely buy clothes. She has a cousin 1 yr older, and we get tons of clothes that way, most of which have never even been worn.

    Sure, there are certain scenarios which warrant those amounts. But I'd say they aren't the norm.

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  • Roscoe
    Originally posted by SVT Lurch View Post
    We did a loan for an oil & gas executive that paid $10,000/month in child support and $10,000/month in alimony AND he was paying for her $1.2MM house.
    No sympathy. It means he makes a fuckload more than that.

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  • Roscoe
    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    What a ridiculous amount of effort to come off looking like a tard.
    You read it? Was too long winded to me, I figured if I read it I'd be pissed for wasting time reading something that was trying to prove a point I probably wouldn't have agreed with in the first place.

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  • davbrucas
    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    What a ridiculous amount of effort to come off looking like a tard.
    Agreed. Does anybody actually know this clown?

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  • talisman
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by V8tt View Post
    blah blah blah

    What a ridiculous amount of effort to come off looking like a tard.

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  • 78X
    so im just thinking out loud here, what if you were to take the kids, out of the country, move there, would that get you out of paying child support?

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  • Bassics
    You just proved my point.

    With a huge waste of bandwidth.

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  • V8tt
    I will start this response by saying that not only have you contradicted yourself in a post, but you have tried to use terms in a way that you are apparently unfamiliar with. Class warfare? Really? At no point in my long winded soapbox rant does anything I posted elude to "class warfare". If the simple use of Marx's Bourgeousie vs. Proletariat example was used in such a way as to confuse you. Then I apologize. Here...let me rephrase. Poor and rich cities. Does that take away your thoughts that I was eluding to class warfare? Was it the "vs." that threw you? Sorry for the confusion..I will leave them out next time. Just for your education though...that is how they are referred to when you use them in most contexts...even if you aren't referring to "class warfare". I sure hope this is all making sense...I am not planning on typing this again for the slow kids in the crowd.

    Raise your hand Bassics.

    Originally posted by Bassics View Post
    Because you are implying that the state is not the people, as if it is some separate entity entirely.
    First clarify: He said "One more reason to hate Texas...", to which I replied "Hate on the bureacrats that the VOTERS put into office. Don't hate the State of Texas." To say that you hate the State because of a policy that doesn't work well is like saying that you hate your girlfriend because she has ugly feet. You can't justifiably hate something as complex as the State of Texas over something that YOU may or may not agree with. If this isn't clear enough for you then YOU are the ignorant one. But since you seem like you need this in your life...I will break it down shotgun style for you. Texas encompasses many things. The land, scenery, heritage, history, and yes...people..etc etc etc. I think you get the picture. Maybe. To say that "the state is not the people, as if it is some separate entity" makes you look simple minded. There is so much more to this State than just the people, which is what I eluded to in my response to Lantirn. You took it and put a Fox News spin on it with a retarded attempt at sarcasm. If you need further clarification on this topic reread above.

    Originally posted by Bassics View Post
    And maybe you can explain how a person's needs vary based on their genetic disposition, ie: who sired them. You are the ignorant one who can't back up what you stated.
    Who said anything about "genetics"? Have you made the erroneous assumption that when I said Hollywood and Compton, you thought in your head White and Black? Lol. Who's the racist in the group?

    Go ahead bro. Raise your hand again.

    And as far as me backing up what I stated...I feel I backed it all up pretty well. I am sorry that you couldn't understand it, but that is not my fault...blame your parents that probably hung out smoking weed when all that you wanted to do was learn to read.

    Originally posted by Bassics View Post
    Let me paraphrase; you stated that the state is somehow separate from the people. Geographicaly, sure, politically no.
    THAT'S what I am talking about you retard. THIS is where you contradict yourself. At first you were like , but then you were like . You started off by implying that they weren't separate. "Because you are implying that the state is not the people, as if it is some separate entity entirely." Right there you said it. And then you say "you stated that the state is somehow separate from the people. Geographicaly, sure, politically no." Do you read what you are typing? If you need clarification on how this is a contradiction...there is an awesome book called the dictionary. It should be somewhere between contraceptive (which your parents should have used) and contravene (which is what you are failing at doing here).

    Originally posted by Bassics View Post
    You also stated that a child's needs somehow varied based on the income of their parents. Which taken to the extreme means that what is good enough to sustain a child in poverty is somehow inadequate for a child born into wealth.
    So then by your assessment...all children from divorced parents should be sustained in poverty? I don't want to spin this so if this isn't what you mean, then please clarify. I will give you my answer when you clear up if this is how you believe...because if it is then you are fucked up in the head and you hate kids.

    Originally posted by Bassics View Post
    Go re-read your own post. You're the one advocating the class warfare.
    I think YOU should go reread my post. It made perfect sense...well not to you obviously. <-----And yes..if you missed was me calling you stupid. Class warfare? That was covered in the beginning. Go reread it if you missed and/or did not understand it.

    Originally posted by Bassics View Post
    Please lay it all out on the table without backtracking if you think you can.
    I have done just that. Any other requests?

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  • Bassics
    Originally posted by V8tt View Post
    If you are too stupid to figure it out...trying to explain the difference to you would be a waste of my time.

    I have no idea what point, if any, you are trying to make here.
    Because you are implying that the state is not the people, as if it is some separate entity entirely.

    And maybe you can explain how a person's needs vary based on their genetic disposition, ie: who sired them.

    You are the ignorant one who can't back up what you stated. Let me paraphrase; you stated that the state is somehow separate from the people. Geographicaly, sure, politically no.

    You also stated that a child's needs somehow varied based on the income of their parents. Which taken to the extreme means that what is good enough to sustain a child in poverty is somehow inadequate for a child born into wealth.

    Go re-read your own post. You're the one advocating the class warfare. Please lay it all out on the table without backtracking if you think you can.

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  • SVT Lurch
    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
    There are men out there who pay $800 a month for what is supposed to be half of what it costs to support a child.
    We did a loan for an oil & gas executive that paid $10,000/month in child support and $10,000/month in alimony AND he was paying for her $1.2MM house.

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  • talisman
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by ComeAgainJen View Post
    True, but there's also reasonable expense. I've seen mothers clammer for more money because her 12 year old will only wear $150 jeans and Victoria's Secret underwear, wants a new iPhone, and expects to go on ski trips, beach weekends. The child can't fathom reading a book or playing outside when she's bored, or wearing a $20 pair of jeans from Aeropostale.

    The child will end up being in the same situation as her mother in that scenario. Divorced with kids, sucking the lifeblood out of her ex so that she can continue her ridiculous lifestyle, meanwhile inadvertently teaching her kids that it is normal, and thus the cycle repeats.

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  • Treasure Chest
    Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
    If I were in a situation that my wife and I were separated, I would expect to pay $1k/mo+. Hell, my daycare bill alone for my 4.5yr old daughter is $771/mo on average ($178*52/12). Factor in clothes (which she goes through at a ridiculous rate), food, entertainment, etc - you're looking WELL above $1k/mo in cost to support one child.

    Agree to disagree.
    True, but there's also reasonable expense. I've seen mothers clammer for more money because her 12 year old will only wear $150 jeans and Victoria's Secret underwear, wants a new iPhone, and expects to go on ski trips, beach weekends. The child can't fathom reading a book or playing outside when she's bored, or wearing a $20 pair of jeans from Aeropostale.

    There has to be a balance between providing for the needs of the child and financing outlandish desires.
    I told the chick I'm referencing that her daughter needs to rent herself out as a mother's helper or something to save up money for the crap she expects to have.

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  • Roscoe
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    I think it's an obligation to do so. However, I think some of the amounts people get stuck with is absurd. I'm with Al as far as that goes. $1000+/month is unnecessary. Especially from about 2 yrs- say middle school. I know what it costs to raise a child, my children specifically. And $1000+/mo is way too high in our scenario.
    If I were in a situation that my wife and I were separated, I would expect to pay $1k/mo+. Hell, my daycare bill alone for my 4.5yr old daughter is $771/mo on average ($178*52/12). Factor in clothes (which she goes through at a ridiculous rate), food, entertainment, etc - you're looking WELL above $1k/mo in cost to support one child.

    Agree to disagree.

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
    Why people bitch about supporting their own kids is beyond me...
    I think it's an obligation to do so. However, I think some of the amounts people get stuck with is absurd. I'm with Al as far as that goes. $1000+/month is unnecessary. Especially from about 2 yrs- say middle school. I know what it costs to raise a child, my children specifically. And $1000+/mo is way too high in our scenario.

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  • Roscoe
    Why people bitch about supporting their own kids is beyond me...

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