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May need a lawyer... DVORCE NEVER ENDS

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  • Broncojohnny
    Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
    Voters put the politicians in office...
    Special interest groups run this country. We get to pick from the two candidates they decide will do them the most good.

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  • V8tt
    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
    I am just wondering how you can have a penis and have the opinions that you do. Are you gay or liberal?
    I am sure your little butt buddies on here may get a laugh from that but how do you see my thoughts as liberal? If you would like to engage in an adult convo....I will gladly join you...but if you are going for sound bites here then have at. I am sure your little following will jump on your wagon no matter what you say. And like you eluded: Since I don't hang out with anyone on here I am not entitled to an opinion that differs from the old shoolers on here. And for the record...I don't declare myself liberal/conservative/GOP/democrat/or any other titles you want to try to attribute to me. Good luck to you...

    Lantirn....I just think there is a separation of the state and its people. And I feel what I said about child support. Apparently I am wrong according to talisman, roscoe, the good doctor and bassics so I will end my "long winded" diatribe and bow out.

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  • Broncojohnny
    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
    I think each case should be different and not based on the father's income. I think they need to sit down and calculate the cost to raise the child each year and then split that cost.
    Exactly. Obviously different areas are going to have different amounts for things like housing. But it would be easy to make a standardized formula including things like a certain percentage of the mom's rent and utilities, costs for food, day care, etc etc.

    Instead it isn't even calculated. If a child's "standard of living" of living is important enough to make someone pay absurd amounts to maintain it then why isn't it important enough to award custody to the father in cases where the mother is broke? Fact is, the "standard of living" argument is a red herring for the gold diggers.

    The only reason any of this absurdity exists is because women have a powerful lobby in this state. Brent has seen firsthand what it has gotten them.

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  • 32vfromhell
    i dont know whether to laugh or cry when i see some of these kids get better child support than i do paychecks every month.

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    Originally posted by V8tt View Post
    First...hate on the bureacrats that the VOTERS put into office. Don't hate the State of Texas. I am sure this is what you meant. If not...I20 runs both ways...I am sure you can find your way out.

    Second...I am glad that fathers are forced to pay child support through payroll deduction. If not..there would be that many more people in the welfare system. It is HIS responsibility..not the tax payers. Do you even realize the amount of fathers that wouldn't pay child support if left up to the honor system? It is so bad now, that the state has to chase countless deadbeat dads who don't pay. Ask any father who is currently married and has kids and he will prob say "hell yeah I would pay child's my kid" but when left to their own devices a lot would come up with excuses as to why not.
    Voters put the politicians in office who create the laws. The politicians that want to screw everyone out of rights and money don't get voted out buy the voters. The State of Texas' current situation is due to the bureaucrats that are voted in over and over by the voters. Bureaucrats = voters = state of Texas. It's all one in the same.

    Do you have any idea how many ignorant fools have told me to leave the state if I don't like it? I have news for you, but all the other states are pretty much the same. They all have people that think they have the right to tell others what they can and can't do. Every country has that as well. That seems to be the modern definition of a civilized society; it's the majorities job to tell you how to live. I'd love to find somewhere where that isn't the case. If you know of somewhere please tell me because I'd move there as fast as I can, believe me.

    Oh, and my solution for the welfare statement you made is simply end all welfare; not just because of the child support thing. I think the whole system is screwed up and needs to be taken down ( I give exception to assistance for the elderly; after a certain age after a life full of work and contributions to society you have earned a decent last few years) . People would either starve or find work, and I don't have a problem with either outcome.

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  • Bassics
    Originally posted by V8tt View Post
    Nice. Awesome way to bow out.
    Don't even try to butter me up for back child support son.

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  • davbrucas
    Originally posted by slow99 View Post
    What is a reasonable monthly estimate excluding daycare? Good lord, daycare out here is over $2k a month.

    So, let's say diapers, clothes, toys, food, formula (when breast feeding stops), dr visits (I assume these can be had with standard copays)...anything else I'm overlooking, what would be a starting point for a monthly estimate?
    I think each case should be different and not based on the father's income. I think they need to sit down and calculate the cost to raise the child each year and then split that cost.

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  • davbrucas
    I am just wondering how you can have a penis and have the opinions that you do. Are you gay or liberal?

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  • slow99
    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
    You got the math wrong. If you expect to pay $1K a month then in theory it costs $2K a month to care for the kid. I'd say over $1K a month is right for a lot of cases, my boy included. But $2K a month all in cost would be ridiculous.
    What is a reasonable monthly estimate excluding daycare? Good lord, daycare out here is over $2k a month.

    So, let's say diapers, clothes, toys, food, formula (when breast feeding stops), dr visits (I assume these can be had with standard copays)...anything else I'm overlooking, what would be a starting point for a monthly estimate?

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  • V8tt
    Originally posted by Bassics View Post
    You just proved my point.

    With a huge waste of bandwidth.
    Nice. Awesome way to bow out.

    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    What a ridiculous amount of effort to come off looking like a tard.
    How so?

    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
    Agreed. Does anybody actually know this clown?
    Nice. Because I have only met a few members on here that aren't currently posting...that somehow doesn't entitle me to an opinion on a matter and makes me a clown. And here I thought being a doctor in part meant that you weren't closed minded.

    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
    Hooray hyperbole! I like how you put all these words in my mouth. I never said any of that shit about everyone paying the same amount. I was just making the case that the amount should probably be capped based on cost of living. I base my numbers on my own children. Do you have children? My son is almost four and he attends a fairly high priced Montessori. Even then, we don't spend $1500 a month to support him.
    You and I will have to agree to disagree. I never intended to put words in your mouth. Maybe I misconstrued what you were trying to say. Not my intent.

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  • Cooter
    aaaand, once again I don't want to have kids

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  • Bassics
    Holy crap, median wage doesn't bring home more than $2k a month!

    Are we a nation of child abusers or something?

    Those fucking assholes in Iraq making $17k gross with a couple of kids must be especially heartless! They should take a second job with al qaeda or something, fucking douchebags!

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  • Broncojohnny
    Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
    If I were in a situation that my wife and I were separated, I would expect to pay $1k/mo+. Hell, my daycare bill alone for my 4.5yr old daughter is $771/mo on average ($178*52/12). Factor in clothes (which she goes through at a ridiculous rate), food, entertainment, etc - you're looking WELL above $1k/mo in cost to support one child.

    Agree to disagree.
    You got the math wrong. If you expect to pay $1K a month then in theory it costs $2K a month to care for the kid. I'd say over $1K a month is right for a lot of cases, my boy included. But $2K a month all in cost would be ridiculous.

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  • Roscoe
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    Thats why I said "our scenario". My daughter stays with her grandmother during the day @ $400/mo. She eats like a bird, and we very rarely buy clothes. She has a cousin 1 yr older, and we get tons of clothes that way, most of which have never even been worn.

    Sure, there are certain scenarios which warrant those amounts. But I'd say they aren't the norm.
    You are (by far) in the minor in that you have a family member watch your kid at a reduced rate and have access to mint condition free clothing.

    I do agree that there are limits in which men should have to pay child support, but it's probably on average about $1k/mo.

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  • Broncojohnny
    Originally posted by V8tt View Post
    Children DO have standards of living. Example: Let's say a man and a woman are married. They have two kids. He makes 300k, she is a stay at home mom, they live in Trophy Club. The kids are involved in sports, school stuff, etc etc. Mom and Dad divorce. Are you teling me that it is ok that he pays the minimum to "raise a child"? I vehemently disagree with you.

    A better question is this: When you say that raising a kid only costs a certain amount...and it surely isn't 1500/month...what are you basing your figures on? I guarantee you that it costs more to raise a child living in Hollywood than it does for one living in Compton (insert your own bourgeousie vs. proletariat cities). If you still disagree based on basic needs (i.e. food, water, clothing from Goodwill) then that sux for the kid. In your stance it doesn't matter what situation the child came from...he gets a certain amount from the father. So a father making 100k should pay the same as one making 25k? Sounds fair to me. Fuck the kids..give em bread and water and dirty used clothes.
    Hooray hyperbole! I like how you put all these words in my mouth. I never said any of that shit about everyone paying the same amount. I was just making the case that the amount should probably be capped based on cost of living. I base my numbers on my own children. Do you have children? My son is almost four and he attends a fairly high priced Montessori. Even then, we don't spend $1500 a month to support him.

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