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  • Treasure Chest
    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
    Both of my boys breastfed until 6mos of age. I support it.
    I have a wonderful pedi who supported exclusive breastfeeding to 6 mo and supported me in going a year plus. She's also the one who told me to talk to my Dr about raynaud's. Many I've seen are quick to say, You tried. It's not for everyone. Here, start supplementing with this formula."

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  • Bassics
    Anyone who has tried both breast milk and formula would see the difference.

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  • davbrucas
    Both of my boys breastfed until 6mos of age. I support it.

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  • Treasure Chest
    Originally posted by slow99 View Post
    No shit.

    I was talking to a buddy at work the other day who has a 5 month old. He's as liberal as they come (green earth, all that San Francisco imagine that) and he said, "Fuck that cloth shit, that shit is nasty. We had to go disposable."

    Not every woman can breast feed either, apparently. Hell I don't know, but he said they tried but had to end up going with formula.
    It's really not too terribly bad. I was surprised. Breastfeeding was a bit more difficult, but very few doctors really support it. They say that the breast is best, but they tend to sabotage nursing relationships with numbers and supplementation. No offense to the drs here, but very few that I have met were truly pro breastfeeding.

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  • Denny
    Originally posted by ComeAgainJen View Post
    It's really not that bad. My daughter was allergic to disposables, so I was forced into it kicking and screaming, but ended up loving it. It was a $200 investment and two extra loads of laundry a week.
    My yougest is 3 and potty trained. I can now return home.

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post

    The only reason any of this absurdity exists is because women have a powerful lobby in this state. Brent has seen firsthand what it has gotten them.
    We have a winner.

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  • Treasure Chest
    Originally posted by Denny View Post
    I understand the breastfeeding, but fuck that cloth diaper shit! Sometimes you just gotta pay...
    It's really not that bad. My daughter was allergic to disposables, so I was forced into it kicking and screaming, but ended up loving it. It was a $200 investment and two extra loads of laundry a week.

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  • Bassics
    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
    LOL...dont take this shit personally. It's just good natured shit talking. Clown was a little harsh...
    I thought it was a little bit reserved myself.

    Exactly what does it cost to raise a child? And why should it vary much, if any?

    And what are these pills that are blue and yellow? LOL, bet you haven't seen these in years man, I had to find an actual pharmacist to fill them...

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  • davbrucas
    Originally posted by V8tt View Post
    I am sure your little butt buddies on here may get a laugh from that but how do you see my thoughts as liberal? If you would like to engage in an adult convo....I will gladly join you...but if you are going for sound bites here then have at. I am sure your little following will jump on your wagon no matter what you say. And like you eluded: Since I don't hang out with anyone on here I am not entitled to an opinion that differs from the old shoolers on here. And for the record...I don't declare myself liberal/conservative/GOP/democrat/or any other titles you want to try to attribute to me. Good luck to you...

    Lantirn....I just think there is a separation of the state and its people. And I feel what I said about child support. Apparently I am wrong according to talisman, roscoe, the good doctor and bassics so I will end my "long winded" diatribe and bow out.
    LOL...dont take this shit personally. It's just good natured shit talking. Clown was a little harsh...

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  • slow99
    Originally posted by Denny View Post
    I understand the breastfeeding, but fuck that cloth diaper shit! Sometimes you just gotta pay...
    No shit.

    I was talking to a buddy at work the other day who has a 5 month old. He's as liberal as they come (green earth, all that San Francisco imagine that) and he said, "Fuck that cloth shit, that shit is nasty. We had to go disposable."

    Not every woman can breast feed either, apparently. Hell I don't know, but he said they tried but had to end up going with formula.

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  • Denny
    I understand the breastfeeding, but fuck that cloth diaper shit! Sometimes you just gotta pay...

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  • Treasure Chest
    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
    You'll go through formula at about a can a week. Towards the end that goes up to about a can and a half. For diapers we used a box every two weeks at first. The kicker is that as the kid gets bigger there are fewer in a box. Get both of those at Sam's, you can't beat their prices. Can of formula is about $23, diapers I can't remember.

    Only reason I remember any of this is that my buddy at work has a two month old.
    Geez, I'm glad I did the cloth diapering and breastfeeding thing.

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  • slow99
    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
    I think each case should be different and not based on the father's income. I think they need to sit down and calculate the cost to raise the child each year and then split that cost.
    Hell I'm trying to formulate a budget, not debate the child care system!

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  • Bassics
    Originally posted by V8tt View Post
    I just think there is a separation of the state and its people.
    and yet all I asked was WTF you meant by that, yet you can go on and on with the insults and manage to avoid the question...

    Here is a clue; if it doesn't fit in the nice little reply box then it doesn't explain your nanny-state claims. Or hell, go outside the box and quit backtracking. someone will read it, we have teachers on this board who can sometimes spell you know...

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  • Broncojohnny
    Originally posted by slow99 View Post
    What is a reasonable monthly estimate excluding daycare? Good lord, daycare out here is over $2k a month.

    So, let's say diapers, clothes, toys, food, formula (when breast feeding stops), dr visits (I assume these can be had with standard copays)...anything else I'm overlooking, what would be a starting point for a monthly estimate?
    Your biggest expense will be that daycare bill obviously. I'd seriously try to line up some hand me downs for clothes and toys. They outgrow that stuff so fast it is a huge waste of money. Even then $500 up front will get you by for months on both of those things.

    You'll go through formula at about a can a week. Towards the end that goes up to about a can and a half. For diapers we used a box every two weeks at first. The kicker is that as the kid gets bigger there are fewer in a box. Get both of those at Sam's, you can't beat their prices. Can of formula is about $23, diapers I can't remember.

    Only reason I remember any of this is that my buddy at work has a two month old.

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