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Drug runners use submarine to delv drugs

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
    Either legalize the shit and tax the piss out of it, or make the penalties so stiff that that you will eradicate the entire problem (death penalty).
    Legalize meth, crack and heroin? Ha.

    People will always find substances to abuse.


    • #47
      Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
      How so? You asked how would drug abuse by younger people increase when it has historically been disproven?

      If you change the circumstances and make it legal then it doesn't really apply to when things were illegal.. I am saying if it was made legal, it would most likely rise due to the "fear factor" being removed. Then, once it is removed more people would be inclined to try them thus resulting in more people stuck on them.
      WTF are you talking about? I'm referring to places where it WAS illegal, and then they made it legal and overall drug use, teen drug use, and crime decreased. Why do you ignore that?


      • #48
        Originally posted by Taylor View Post
        Legalize meth, crack and heroin? Ha.

        People will always find substances to abuse.
        They'll eventually OD anyway, so what the hell?


        • #49
          Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
          Again, most of the people stuck on these drugs aren't paying their share as it is...

          That is a REALLY big assumption, with nothing factual to base it on. There is no way that a statement like that could ever be qualified.

          I don't think it will probably ever happen either, but if I had the reigns, that is the way I would steer things. At best, MJ will be decriminalized by the end of my lifetime.


          • #50
            Originally posted by jluv View Post
            WTF are you talking about? I'm referring to places where it WAS illegal, and then they made it legal and overall drug use, teen drug use, and crime decreased. Why do you ignore that?
            You could have been more clear Jared and mention that is what you were talking about. I didn't know if you were referring to it being legal or illegal since you didn't mention that and you quoted my entire post. That is all.

            What places have legalized it and are we talking about all drugs or just mary jane? I am not questioning you, I am asking cause I really don't know. No need to put me in a caps lock.
            Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
            Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


            • #51
              Originally posted by talisman View Post
              That is a REALLY big assumption, with nothing factual to base it on. There is no way that a statement like that could ever be qualified.

              I don't think it will probably ever happen either, but if I had the reigns, that is the way I would steer things. At best, MJ will be decriminalized by the end of my lifetime.
              Again, I am not referring to just weed. I know plenty of people of who do it and have steady jobs and afford things they enjoy. I am referring to drugs as a WHOLE... I mentioned that in my original post, don't get them mixed up.
              Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
              Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


              • #52
                Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                Here is my opinion on the matter. It isn't directed to any one specific drug, but all of them as a whole.

                I don't see any benefit to legalizing drugs, at all. Yeah, everyone is saying tax it but that is because it isn't legal yet. Hypothetically speaking if it were to legalize it would only be a matter of time before everyone started bitching about how they are taxed to shit on their drugs and the government is a big joke blah blah. We do that currently (myself included) with cigarettes and beer. Cigarettes were what, $2-3 cheaper a few years ago and in some places $10 a pack in NYC? most people who are ABUSERS of drugs aren't going to have a steady line of income to buy their "fix" which will probably adds to more crime and things of that nature.

                With that being said, they are alrighty trying to push cigarettes out of the equation by eliminating smoking in bars, resturants and now talks of public, not to mention the taxes. So I don't ever realistically see it being legalized

                Everyone in this thread has already commented (not in this thread but was brought up one time or another) about how the majority of youth today is a bunch of lazy, dependant on video games and unmotivated, how would making drugs more accessible fix anything? The only argument I am hearing is taxes, taxes, and taxes, but besides that what benefits are there to it? What are the benefits to someone being strung out on cocain?

                I think everyone who is defending this is in the mindset of weed being the drug of choice when it comes to legalization, and I can see that to a point, considering it has some proven medical cures, but as for the others, I see no benefit.
                I'm not a drug user but Cmon man...... That would alleviate so many money problems. There's no reason it shouldn't be legal.
                Tax the shit out of it and call it a day. The only reason its illegal now isa because of the alcohol and tobacco lobbyist want to keep it that way. The government knows taxing won't detour people from using it. Just more $$


                • #53
                  Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                  Again, I am not referring to just weed. I know plenty of people of who do it and have steady jobs and afford things they enjoy. I am referring to drugs as a WHOLE... I mentioned that in my original post, don't get them mixed up.

                  Where do you draw the line? People get addicted to prescription pain pills all the time. Should we just make them completely illegal because it's the easy solution, or allow people to make their own choices on where their life is going to take them?


                  • #54
                    I say legalize them. It's no business of mine if someone wants to get doped up on cocaine or pot. Just as it's no business of theirs if I want to own a gas guzzling hummer or own guns or drink myself retarded. It only becomes a problem when their actions affect someone else, like drinking and driving, or stealing to support your habit. Go to work, earn a paycheck, and spend it on heroin, I have no problem with it, just leave me out of it, and tax it like anything else.

                    Oh, and seeing as how prohibition of alcohol was an abysimal failure, I don't see how anyone can expect a prohibition of drugs to be successful.
                    I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                    Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by onemeangixxer7502 View Post
                      I'm not a drug user but Cmon man...... That would alleviate so many money problems. There's no reason it shouldn't be legal.
                      Tax the shit out of it and call it a day. The only reason its illegal now isa because of the alcohol and tobacco lobbyist want to keep it that way. The government knows taxing won't detour people from using it. Just more $$
                      You honestly think that is going to fix anything and these drug cartels are going to disappear? They will be able to sell their shit at price and you won't have to pay taxes. Why would someone pay taxes on something when they can continue doing it the old way? Besides, Pablo is still going to want his share. I doubt he is going to want to pay taxes either.
                      Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                      Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                        You honestly think that is going to fix anything and these drug cartels are going to disappear? They will be able to sell their shit at price and you won't have to pay taxes. Why would someone pay taxes on something when they can continue doing it the old way? Besides, Pablo is still going to want his share. I doubt he is going to want to pay taxes either.
                        Risk vs rewardd. There will always will a few who will avoid it but why risk loosing billions when they can pay a few million in taxes. These guys may be criminals but they're still business minded individuals.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                          You honestly think that is going to fix anything and these drug cartels are going to disappear? They will be able to sell their shit at price and you won't have to pay taxes. Why would someone pay taxes on something when they can continue doing it the old way? Besides, Pablo is still going to want his share. I doubt he is going to want to pay taxes either.
                          If that is true why isn't there a huge problem of people buying homemade booze, or cigarettes, or guns? There are some problems with it, after all that is why stills are illegal and you occassionally hear about one gettting busted, but it's not often. Fact is, consumers like some government regulation as it usually means there is some safety controls to the products they are purchasing.
                          I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                          Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                            If that is true why isn't there a huge problem of people buying homemade booze, or cigarettes, or guns? There are some problems with it, after all that is why stills are illegal and you occassionally hear about one gettting busted, but it's not often. Fact is, consumers like some government regulation as it usually means there is some safety controls to the products they are purchasing.
                            Alright, so let's say hypthetically you do legalize it, there are still going to be people (Pablo for example) that will do things illegal. I mean who is going to want to pay 8% on taxes when they can get it at price? With that being said, there is still going to need someone to regulate the people who are doing things illegaly, which if that is the case, isn't going to resolve anything 100%.
                            Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                            Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                              How so? You asked how would drug abuse by younger people increase when it has historically been disproven?

                              If you change the circumstances and make it legal then it doesn't really apply to when things were illegal.. I am saying if it was made legal, it would most likely rise due to the "fear factor" being removed. Then, once it is removed more people would be inclined to try them thus resulting in more people stuck on them.
                              Youre missing his point. You're not misguided in your theory. It makes sense. But there are several countries who have legalized drugs, and not only did teen use not go up, it actually went down. So fact/history trumps your theory.
                              Originally posted by BradM
                              But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                              Originally posted by Leah
                              In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                                Youre missing his point. You're not misguided in your theory. It makes sense. But there are several countries who have legalized drugs, and not only did teen use not go up, it actually went down. So fact/history trumps your theory.
                                I replied, I didn't understand what he was asking at first. There are still plenty of things to take into account. That is why I asked which countries he was referring to.
                                Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                                Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.

