Having illegal drugs is why we have really fucked up drugs like meth and crack, Amsterdam does not have illegal drugs and they have the same or less drug use as we do
All drugs should be legal. If people want to destroy their own life with them, thats fine. There would still be social norms and consequences - I.E. - work drug testing. Alcohol is legal, but you can't go to work bombed, you wouldn't suddenly be able to come to work high as a kite just because it was legal. If you shoot heroin and can't do anything but drool on yourself all day, people are still going to stay far away from you whenever possible.
It's also not the same as legalizing murder. Drugs affect you. Murder affects someone else. Also, there aren't MILLIONS of people going out and murdering people in this country every single day for fun but basically not causing any other problems. If people resort to other crime to support their drug habit, they should be prosecuted for that crime - not for ingesting the substance of their liking.
Manufacture drugs here, and sell them cheap enough that there is no way for the cartels to make any money at it. Take away their multi-billion dollar income and lets see how many new guns they can buy.
Spend the enforcement money on education and treatment instead, or keep the money for enforcement and start trying to clear cold case murders, rapes, etc.
So we should just admit defeat and allow the world to run rampant with drug use?
We should legalize drugs, yes. Control them, regulate them, tax them, but legalize them. At least start with some of them.
Instead of admitting defeat, we showcase logic and progressive thinking while embracing a new strategy. It's all in how you word it, Negative Nancy.
And I don't think the world would run rampant with drug use. Some would say it does right now. Do your research - when drugs have been legalized in other places, drug use in general, drug use by teens, and violent crimes have all decreased or at worst stayed the same.
It sounds too radical for a lot of people, but if you think this country doesn't need some radical changes, you're blind.
So we should just admit defeat and allow the world to run rampant with drug use?
Attempting to cut supply for the last 30 years has been a dismal affair. The massive amounts of money being literally thrown away on the borders would be better spent dealing with the demand side of narcotics and helping to propagate governments in S America who share our values and are willing to cut the supply at it's source. I'd rather throw money at education, harm reduction, and other rehabilitation programs to reduce the overall demand for the drugs they're importing. If we are going to throw military and police resources at the supply it'd be much more effective to expand programs that the DEA and US Military have been running in Colombia for years. Training the local military and police forces to do their job more effectively and giving them the support they need to stay afloat while they prove to the locals that they can provide a better, safer life than the FARC, etc.
Here is my opinion on the matter. It isn't directed to any one specific drug, but all of them as a whole.
I don't see any benefit to legalizing drugs, at all. Yeah, everyone is saying tax it but that is because it isn't legal yet. Hypothetically speaking if it were to legalize it would only be a matter of time before everyone started bitching about how they are taxed to shit on their drugs and the government is a big joke blah blah. We do that currently (myself included) with cigarettes and beer. Cigarettes were what, $2-3 cheaper a few years ago and in some places $10 a pack in NYC? most people who are ABUSERS of drugs aren't going to have a steady line of income to buy their "fix" which will probably adds to more crime and things of that nature.
With that being said, they are alrighty trying to push cigarettes out of the equation by eliminating smoking in bars, resturants and now talks of public, not to mention the taxes. So I don't ever realistically see it being legalized
Everyone in this thread has already commented (not in this thread but was brought up one time or another) about how the majority of youth today is a bunch of lazy, dependant on video games and unmotivated, how would making drugs more accessible fix anything? The only argument I am hearing is taxes, taxes, and taxes, but besides that what benefits are there to it? What are the benefits to someone being strung out on cocain?
I think everyone who is defending this is in the mindset of weed being the drug of choice when it comes to legalization, and I can see that to a point, considering it has some proven medical cures, but as for the others, I see no benefit.
Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.
Here is my opinion on the matter. It isn't directed to any one specific drug, but all of them as a whole.
I don't see any benefit to legalizing drugs, at all. Yeah, everyone is saying tax it but that is because it isn't legal yet. Hypothetically speaking if it were to legalize it would only be a matter of time before everyone started bitching about how they are taxed to shit on their drugs and the government is a big joke blah blah. We do that currently (myself included) with cigarettes and beer. Cigarettes were what, $2-3 cheaper a few years ago and in some places $10 a pack in NYC?
With that being said, they are alrighty trying to push cigarettes out of the equation by eliminating smoking in bars, resturants and now talks of public, not to mention the taxes. So I don't ever realistically see it being legalized
Everyone in this thread has already commented about how the majority of youth today is a bunch of lazy, dependant on video games and unmotivated, how would making drugs more accessible fix anything? The only argument I am hearing is taxes, taxes, but besides that what benefits are there to it? What are the benefits to someone being strung out on cocain?
I think everyone who is defending this is in the mindset of weed being the drug of choice when it comes to legalization, and I can see that to a point, considering it has some proven medical cures, but as for the others, I see no benefit.
It doesn't have proven medical cures, it alleviates nausea and appetite issues associated with Chemo and AIDS wasting. There are already prescription drugs containing THC which will do the same thing without the whole smoking out of a bong thing like Dronabinol or Nabilone.
It doesn't have proven medical cures, it alleviates nausea and appetite issues associated with Chemo and AIDS wasting. There are already prescription drugs containing THC which will do the same thing without the whole smoking out of a bong thing like Dronabinol or Nabilone.
I mispoke when I mentioned the word cures. The point I was trying to make though was that it is already being used in some instances in a legal fashion.
Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.
I mispoke when I mentioned the word cures. The point I was trying to make though was that it is already being used in some instances in a legal fashion.
Everyone in this thread has already commented about how the majority of youth today is a bunch of lazy, dependant on video games and unmotivated, how would making drugs more accessible fix anything? The only argument I am hearing is taxes, taxes, but besides that what benefits are there to it? What are the benefits to someone being strung out on cocain?
Drugs have a mystique about them because they are unlawful. Whenever you restrict something, it immediately makes it more desirable to the majority of the population. Exclusivity and limited availability make drugs appear more glamorous to people. That is simple human nature. I see it every where. When Krispy Kreme first came to town, and they had to have cops directing traffic. Now with suck ass In and Out Burgers. The inexplicable want for something you can't have is a daily occurrence for most people. What happens when most people turn 21? Their drinking briefly peaks, then slows down because now it is as simple as walking into a store and buying it, rather than going through the elaborate hoops to get it that you had to do before. I honestly think if drugs were legalized, more people might momentarily try them, but less people would consistently use them.
Here is my opinion on the matter. It isn't directed to any one specific drug, but all of them as a whole.
I don't see any benefit to legalizing drugs, at all. Yeah, everyone is saying tax it but that is because it isn't legal yet. Hypothetically speaking if it were to legalize it would only be a matter of time before everyone started bitching about how they are taxed to shit on their drugs and the government is a big joke blah blah. We do that currently (myself included) with cigarettes and beer. Cigarettes were what, $2-3 cheaper a few years ago and in some places $10 a pack in NYC? most people who are ABUSERS of drugs aren't going to have a steady line of income to buy their "fix" which will probably adds to more crime and things of that nature.
With that being said, they are alrighty trying to push cigarettes out of the equation by eliminating smoking in bars, resturants and now talks of public, not to mention the taxes. So I don't ever realistically see it being legalized
Everyone in this thread has already commented (not in this thread but was brought up one time or another) about how the majority of youth today is a bunch of lazy, dependant on video games and unmotivated, how would making drugs more accessible fix anything? The only argument I am hearing is taxes, taxes, and taxes, but besides that what benefits are there to it? What are the benefits to someone being strung out on cocain?
I think everyone who is defending this is in the mindset of weed being the drug of choice when it comes to legalization, and I can see that to a point, considering it has some proven medical cures, but as for the others, I see no benefit.
I pretty much agree 100%. The idea of legalizing all drugs is ludicrous and will never happen. Also, as far as the money spent on the war on drugs, I wonder what the balance is on what we've spent Vs. the amount of money we've seized? Obviously not equivalent, but I'm curious. I also wonder where we'd be if we just allowed things to run rampant without doing anything about it.
Here is my opinion on the matter. It isn't directed to any one specific drug, but all of them as a whole.
I don't see any benefit to legalizing drugs, at all. Yeah, everyone is saying tax it but that is because it isn't legal yet. Hypothetically speaking if it were to legalize it would only be a matter of time before everyone started bitching about how they are taxed to shit on their drugs and the government is a big joke blah blah. We do that currently (myself included) with cigarettes and beer. Cigarettes were what, $2-3 cheaper a few years ago and in some places $10 a pack in NYC? most people who are ABUSERS of drugs aren't going to have a steady line of income to buy their "fix" which will probably adds to more crime and things of that nature.
With that being said, they are alrighty trying to push cigarettes out of the equation by eliminating smoking in bars, resturants and now talks of public, not to mention the taxes. So I don't ever realistically see it being legalized
Everyone in this thread has already commented (not in this thread but was brought up one time or another) about how the majority of youth today is a bunch of lazy, dependant on video games and unmotivated, how would making drugs more accessible fix anything? The only argument I am hearing is taxes, taxes, and taxes, but besides that what benefits are there to it? What are the benefits to someone being strung out on cocain?
I think everyone who is defending this is in the mindset of weed being the drug of choice when it comes to legalization, and I can see that to a point, considering it has some proven medical cures, but as for the others, I see no benefit.
What makes you think drug use by young people will increase when historically that has been disproven?
No one is in here really pushing the benefits of drugs being legal. It's more about reversing the negatives that come with having them illegal, like wasting billions on the war on drugs, prisons overcrowded non-violent drug offenders, the issues we're having with cartels, etc.
Everyone in this thread has already commented (not in this thread but was brought up one time or another) about how the majority of youth today is a bunch of lazy, dependant on video games and unmotivated,
Lots of older generations have held similar views about the coming of age of their kids. See the late 60's or the "dilemma" of Gen X'ers in the early 90's for similar to times when old people have blamed it on the kid's lack of motivation.
Drugs have a mystique about them because they are unlawful. Whenever you restrict something, it immediately makes it more desirable to the majority of the population. Exclusivity and limited availability make drugs appear more glamorous to people. That is simple human nature. I see it every where. When Krispy Kreme first came to town, and they had to have cops directing traffic. Now with suck ass In and Out Burgers. The inexplicable want for something you can't have is a daily occurrence for most people. What happens when most people turn 21? Their drinking briefly peaks, then slows down because now it is as simple as walking into a store and buying it, rather than going through the elaborate hoops to get it that you had to do before. I honestly think if drugs were legalized, more people might momentarily try them, but less people would consistently use them.
I don't. It would make them more accessible and easier to obtain at a much younger age. The number of people who try them for the first time will most likely double or triple, thus leaving the amount of people "stuck" on them will rise as well. I see what you are saying 100% but what are the benefits to legalizing it besides taxes?
Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.