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Does anyone have the Original "Top Ten Reasons Buick Will Loose This Year" list?

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  • Does anyone have the Original "Top Ten Reasons Buick Will Loose This Year" list?

    From the Buick Vs Ford shootout. There is an older guy here at work with a GN, and I was telling him about it. And the wheelchair with the logo would be great also. New Website for the off road peeps

  • #2
    Bump New Website for the off road peeps


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Bronco Johnny
      Dang you buick guys sure do cry a lot. You guys host the race, we play by your rules and when we show up and whip your ass you just cry and cry and cry like a bunch of babies.

      WAAAAAAAAA "you guys tell slow cars not to show up..." WAAAAAA

      Top TEN reasons why Buicks are going to be slow this year:

      10. Bottle of Geritol got stuck in turbo inlet

      9. Pension check didn't come in and driver couldn't afford race gas.

      8. Forgot glasses at home and couldn't see to stage correctly.

      7. Driver shat pants when he launched to a radical 1.99 60 ft., forgot to wear his depends

      6. Colostomy bag was full and it squirted all over the place on the 1-2 shift.

      5. Toupee got in driver's eyes.

      4. Driver thought he saw his childhood friend Woodrow Wilson walking across the track at the 1000 ft. mark and let out of it.

      3. Nursing home staff found out that driver escaped and tackled him in the staging lanes.

      2. Driver was confused and never showed up...thought race was on Sunday at a track in Topeka, Kansas.

      1. Matlock was on and by god you can't race when Matlock is on!!
      ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


      • #4
        "Loose"? or "lose"?

