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More real life Idiocracy

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
    No they shouldn't. If that is the case, all children should become wards of the state.
    So those kids are allowed to eat shit for food, then grow up and become obese and a drain on healthcare and end up being a ward of the state anyway.

    You ever heard 'an ounce of prevention...'

    I'm not saying that what the schools are doing is right, but at least a consultation with the parents is in order.
    G'Day Mate


    • #17
      And for the record I'm all for being licensed to have kids. Too many shitheads running around these days.
      G'Day Mate


      • #18
        Give it a few months and there will be a story where the advertiser quits the advertising and the homeowner loses his house because they didn't bother saving money while the mortgage was being paid.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
          And for the record I'm all for being licensed to have kids. Too many shitheads running around these days.
          Licensed to have kids? You really think that would make things any better? Don't get me wrong, I agree with what you are saying to a point. Look at how many idiots we have running around who can't drive that have a driver's license. Have a license won't make you a good parent.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
            So those kids are allowed to eat shit for food, then grow up and become obese and a drain on healthcare and end up being a ward of the state anyway.

            You ever heard 'an ounce of prevention...'

            I'm not saying that what the schools are doing is right, but at least a consultation with the parents is in order.
            Who said they should be given healthcare? Oh the government. Sounds like the government should stop insisting every fat fuck get free healthcare. Problem solved.
            Originally posted by racrguy
            What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
            Originally posted by racrguy
            Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
              So those kids are allowed to eat shit for food, then grow up and become obese and a drain on healthcare and end up being a ward of the state anyway.

              You ever heard 'an ounce of prevention...'

              I'm not saying that what the schools are doing is right, but at least a consultation with the parents is in order.
              Your logic is flawed. We could save the environment, if we banned all cars and industrial production. Are you on board for that?

              How about saving everyone from heart disease by banning meat? Or saving everyone from dui's by banning alcohol? Although a ban on cars helps there as well. We could ban premarital sex to prevent std's.

              Or maybe, as a country, we could stop being a collective bunch of faggots and embrace freedom. You want to eat shit/feed your kids shot then you get to handle your health care.

              What we don't need is further nanny legislation that restricts us even further.

              Fwiw I don't disagree that there should be some sort of requirement for having children. Such as not allowing welfare queens to shit out kids in south Chicago while stuffing them full of doritos and carbonated grape beverage.


              • #22
                mmm... doritos and grape drank.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
                  mmm... doritos and grape drank.
                  I see kids in your future!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                    Who said they should be given healthcare? Oh the government. Sounds like the government should stop insisting every fat fuck get free healthcare. Problem solved.
                    This I like.
                    G'Day Mate


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
                      So those kids are allowed to eat shit for food, then grow up and become obese and a drain on healthcare and end up being a ward of the state anyway.

                      You ever heard 'an ounce of prevention...'

                      I'm not saying that what the schools are doing is right, but at least a consultation with the parents is in order.
                      I can see disallowing Lunchables and soda, that stuff is absolute crap. OTOH, have you seen the school lunches these days?!?

                      The last time I ate lunch with my kiddos, they served "chicken ring things" (and that is their official name), off-color mushy green beans (that none of the students even touched), a fruit cup that was a prepackaged, half-thawed cup of strawberries. Surprisingly, it did not contain high fructose corn syrup, but the ingredients were water, sugar, and strawberries. Lunch was topped off with chocolate milk, of course. They do offer plain milk, but there were only one or two children drinking it.

                      You'd think they could spend the money on better, child-friendly options; plain milk or water, chicken substances that can actually be mistaken for real chicken, fresh veggies, whole grain pizza crusts with low-sugar sauce.....


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                        Your logic is flawed. We could save the environment, if we banned all cars and industrial production. Are you on board for that?

                        How about saving everyone from heart disease by banning meat? Or saving everyone from dui's by banning alcohol? Although a ban on cars helps there as well. We could ban premarital sex to prevent std's.

                        Or maybe, as a country, we could stop being a collective bunch of faggots and embrace freedom. You want to eat shit/feed your kids shot then you get to handle your health care.

                        What we don't need is further nanny legislation that restricts us even further.

                        Fwiw I don't disagree that there should be some sort of requirement for having children. Such as not allowing welfare queens to shit out kids in south Chicago while stuffing them full of doritos and carbonated grape beverage.
                        I agree with you totally, but until we get to a point at which everyone is personally accountable and handles their own shit instead of relying on the gubment then I think that the government and those who fund it(taxpayers) should have say so in how their money is spent, be it healthcare, school lunches, or whatever you may think.
                        G'Day Mate


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by ComeAgainJen View Post
                          I can see disallowing Lunchables and soda, that stuff is absolute crap. OTOH, have you seen the school lunches these days?!?

                          The last time I ate lunch with my kiddos, they served "chicken ring things" (and that is their official name), off-color mushy green beans (that none of the students even touched), a fruit cup that was a prepackaged, half-thawed cup of strawberries. Surprisingly, it did not contain high fructose corn syrup, but the ingredients were water, sugar, and strawberries. Lunch was topped off with chocolate milk, of course. They do offer plain milk, but there were only one or two children drinking it.

                          You'd think they could spend the money on better, child-friendly options; plain milk or water, chicken substances that can actually be mistaken for real chicken, fresh veggies, whole grain pizza crusts with low-sugar sauce.....
                          School lunch does need an overhaul, but it's like everything else, it's government run and whichever food distributor has the deepest pockets often gets the gig and then can shovel whatever crap they want into the cafeteria and call it healthy, because the school said it was healthy.
                          G'Day Mate


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
                            mmm... doritos and grape drank.
                            G'Day Mate


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
                              I agree with you totally, but until we get to a point at which everyone is personally accountable and handles their own shit instead of relying on the gubment then I think that the government and those who fund it(taxpayers) should have say so in how their money is spent, be it healthcare, school lunches, or whatever you may think.
                              Accountability comes when people have to accept it and take ownership of it. As long as the government steps in the way there will be issues.

                              I believe that every dollar of tax revenue should be itemized and reported to those who pay it.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                                Who said they should be given healthcare? Oh the government. Sounds like the government should stop insisting every fat fuck get free healthcare. Problem solved.
                                Crooked politicians aside, the problem with this country is that we reward bad behavior. I understand the logic of giving out free condoms and birth control, but they don't help the irresponsible ones that won't use them because "it feels better without them," or the crazy bitches who get knocked up to try to keep a man. It's fine if she gets knocked up, though...because medicaid/Medi-Cal/Prenatal CHIPs/or whatever other program out there is going to pay for her prenatal care.

                                Once she pops out the kid, for whom she couldn't afford prenatal care, the child will be covered by Medicaid (or CHIPs if she has a job). Next, we're going to give her WIC so she can buy formula, milk, peanut butter, and cheese. She'll get an EBT card so she can buy Dorritos and grape soda. Then, she'll receive TANIF to cover daycare expenses, which will free her up to go find her next babydaddy. Oh, and I forgot to mention the EIC she'll get on her tax return, because we strive to get all families up to the poverty line.

                                If the government cut benefits and made baby-making a little less affordable, MAYBE the adoption rate in the United States would be a little higher. That way, the children could have a chance of growing up in a productive family environment. Best case senerio, people will actually learn to be accountable for their actions, and would decide to make good f*cking life choices.
                                This reverse Darwinism crap needs to stop!

                                Disclaimer: I understand that people fall on hard times. I understand that there are some people out there who have paid into the system, and have used it for its intended purpose on a short term basis. I'm not talking about you. I'm simply referring to the people that can't seem to get their shit straight because they've been enabled all of their life and continue to be enabled by the crippled bleeding hearts who want to help everyone and their dog, while voting themselves pay increases and better government perks.

