Lost power and just had a shit ton of wind/rain/hail. Lasted all of about 10 min max. Just east of Denton.
I must live just down the road from you...we had 3" of hail all over the place. got the cars and windows and now I got water coming in under the walls....guess it was too much rain and stuff at once. I think I have it under control for now, got a inverter running off my car for my saltwater tank.....not a good night for sure
So far no hail here in the Plano legacy area. Seems like the rain is slowing down too. I got a car out in it that I'm too lazy to move if I don't have too. Keep posting up the hail reports especially if your west of Plano. TIA.
It is radar echo on the leading edge of a strong storm. The edge will bow out in the direction the storm is moving. It is an indication of very strong straight line winds.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. "
George Orwell