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Sleep is a waste of time

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
    It must be an older person thing. I fall asleep at ten and can sleep all the way to 7 with no problems, if my son wouldn't wake up at 6.
    I'm 31, and when I wake up it's not a specific thing that wakes me, sometimes I do need to use the restroom... usually I just wake up. This morning I woke up at exactly 3am, looked at the clock, turned over and went back to sleep. This happens most nights, always arround 3am, most times I wont be able to sleep... once the brain starts thinking there is no stopping it. Then arround 5am i get sleepy again... but I have to start getting ready for work by then. Usually I'll pull out the laptop, watch a movie or read a book till its time to go to work.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Kenny_Stang View Post
      I'm 31, and when I wake up it's not a specific thing that wakes me, sometimes I do need to use the restroom... usually I just wake up. This morning I woke up at exactly 3am, looked at the clock, turned over and went back to sleep. This happens most nights, always arround 3am, most times I wont be able to sleep... once the brain starts thinking there is no stopping it. Then arround 5am i get sleepy again... but I have to start getting ready for work by then. Usually I'll pull out the laptop, watch a movie or read a book till its time to go to work.
      I wake up around 4 to take a piss just about every night. I drink alot of water so this can be a long piss, and I sometimes start to wake up. But I never have a problem getting back in bed and falling asleep. I always try to make mind not wonder off and start thinking about things, because I will wake up.


      • #18
        I always try to piss right before going to bed to avoid the middle of the night piss, but that doesnt always work. I think alot of it has to do with stress, between work/divorce/life I always have something kicking arround in my head.


        • #19
          4 and a half hours lastnight. I don't feel too bad. Not looking forward to the drive to San Antonio. Austin traffic will keep my awake if I was to get drowsy. Silly traffic


          • #20
            I agree, I usually get 5 hours but wish I could go on less


            • #21
              Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
              I agree, I usually get 5 hours but wish I could go on less
              You need to take 5 minute powernaps throughout the day like Kramer on Steinfield did.
              Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
              Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


              • #22
                On weekdays I normally go to between between 3-4 and wake up at 9 for work and on the weekends i'll crash hard getting a good 10 hours of sleep or so.


                • #23
                  8 hours a night FTW


                  • #24
                    I'm 32 and have always cherished my sleep. But there is one thing about myself that I am realizing. I have always been a big guy (fat ass). Whether I got 5-6 hours of sleep or 8-10 hours of sleep I was always sluggish. I regularily got up in the middle of the night just about ready to piss myself. And I always bitched to myself that I needed to get more sleep. Never mind the fact that I was simply unhealthy.

                    In the last year I have changed my lifestyle and lost a significant amount of weight and can actually function pretty well on less sleep. It trips me out cause this is something new to me. It really pays off to be healthy and exercise regularily. My body seems to build up natural energy. But I will say that sleep still is pretty important to me. And if I have a sleepless night (which is rare) then I do drag ass.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by CEE JAY View Post
                      8 hours a night FTW
                      yup yup...

                      I've trained myself recently to go to bed earlier, and get at least 7, but try for 8 hours of sleep each night.

                      Sleep is when the body does it's best work to repair, clean, and process. Two keys to feeling good and being healthy outside of diet and exercise, but just as important, plenty of water and plenty of sleep.

                      Nothing good ever happens after midnight anyway


                      • #26
                        If I get 4-5 hours I can get up and feel great. Past that I'm groggy unless I can get 7-8 hours of sleep.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by SSMAN View Post
                          I am up all the time at 3:00 am.............Peeing. But that is an old age thing. Other than that , I really like my sleep. Makes my day a lot easier to deal with at times.
                          Just wear some Depends to bed, problem solved!


                          • #28
                            work till 3:30AM, home at 4 or so, my 3 year old is up every day at 8:15 like clock work. take her to daycare and hit a few hours at my other job, then back to the depot for another 10. Who needs sleep??


                            • #29
                              Dan Bishop, Project Manager GE does not require sleep to spin around on his dildos all day every day.
                              Originally posted by talisman
                              I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                              Originally posted by AdamLX
                              If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                              Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                              Because fuck you, that's why
                              Originally posted by 80coupe
                              nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                              Originally posted by Rick Modena
                              ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                              Originally posted by Jester
                              Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.

