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police use pepper spray to subdue 8 year old at school

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  • #91
    I think that had the officers used "open hands" to subdue this kid, it would have ended up in the media just the same. "Cops brutalize 8 year old boy!"

    The short answer is that his parents should have raised him better, but they weren't there to coddle him along at this point. If you wanna throw shit and threaten like a big boy, then pepper spray is the easy way out. Wrestling him to the ground would have caused bruises and lawsuits.


    • #92
      Ok, I actually saw the video for the first time. Fuck the little bastard. His mother should be fined for not raising him better.


      • #93
        Yeah I probably would have just walked over and snatched his little ass up, however I do not see pepper spray as an issue. I will agree with Matt a lot of Officers use the Tazer and spray as a tool to prevent hands on to compensate for lack of whatever. I am coming up on ten years and have yet had to pepper, baton, or Tazer anyone. I am big enough that I have no issue going hands on first.

        Now for all you people defending the 8yo I will tell you this. Now days an 8yo can be a huge fing problem. We had one take his dads tech nine to school with his dads permission to get back at another kid. Every damn day we have at least 100 to 200 kids get off the bus and start fighting in multiple locations all ranging from 8 to 17. When they are done with that they get out their BB guns and go around shooting out the windows to houses, kicking in back doors, and then setting fire to vacant homes. Next time I go to this house in my area I will get some pictures. There is not one inch of sheetrock on the inner walls, gang tags on all the outer walls, all the windows are shot out,and they tried to burn it down two days ago. This house is about 4 years old and probably 3000 sq foot in a nice neighborhood. There are 4 others just like it and probably a few others that we dont know about. These kids now days have zero fing respect for you, me or anyones property. So please do not defend this kid because he is 8. An 8 year old will shoot you in the face and not think twice about it. This kid was out of control and his mom probably needs her ass kicked also.

        One of the funniest recent stories involving an 8yo I had to deal with. We get a call there is a 8yo stealing at 7-11 and when confronted he slung all the stuff he had at the cashier and told him to fuck off, striking multiple customers on the way out. Well usually kids are hard to track because they are all wearing the same thing. I am rolling down the street and i see these bigger kids riding steadly behind this one smaller kid thats running a pretty good ways up the street. One of the kids says "there he is" well i am going the other way so I said well go get him. I got turned around on a side street and when I popped back out I saw bikes laying all over the place and looked across the street to see the feet flying in the air. I get over there and that kid was out of control. The other kid had him pinned sitting on him. That kid called me every name in the book and said he wasnt going in no fing squad car. So I cuffed him up and took him home no real drama other then him trying to pull away. I took the kids that caught him back to 7-11 for treats on me. LOL 8 years old though and out of control. You guys really have no idea somethimes.
        Whos your Daddy?


        • #94
          ^^^ This is why I am in favor of some sort of testing to determine eligibility for parenthood and required birth control for everyone else. There is an overwhelming number of "parents" that have no business raising a child - hell, most people can't even train or care for an animal properly.


          • #95
            Originally posted by SSMAN View Post
            Ok, I actually saw the video for the first time. Fuck the little bastard. His mother should be fined for not raising him better.
            I agree. Why can't we have a fine for the parents that are costing our school time and money?
            class joke
            char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
            double Peas, Carrots;
            string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)


            • #96
              I retract my previous statement. Now if you'll excuse me, its getting close to that time for me to go punt my nephews around like footballs.
              Originally posted by talisman
              I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
              Originally posted by AdamLX
              If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
              Originally posted by Broncojohnny
              Because fuck you, that's why
              Originally posted by 80coupe
              nice dick, Idrivea4banger
              Originally posted by Rick Modena
              ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
              Originally posted by Jester
              Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


              • #97
                I feel no sympathy for the kid or his Mother....

       I hope she tries to make sure her kid behaves and does not have that happen to him again.
                Originally posted by MR EDD
                U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                • #98
                  I wonder how many people's opinion would change if a 'citizen' would have been doing the spraying. I bet the fucker would go straight to jail.

                  Originally posted by SSMAN
                  ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by stevo View Post
                    I wonder how many people's opinion would change if a 'citizen' would have been doing the spraying. I bet the fucker would go straight to jail.

                    Mine would. A citizen is a citizen, not an LEO. A citizen has no right unless they are defending their property. I can't think of many other situations that I would be ok with it. Try looking at this from a different angle. Let's say your child was in the same class. Let's say he got busted over the head with a tv. You'd be screaming for this kid's testicles from the mountaintops.

                    This kid, is out of control, period. He got dealt with. I mean, really. This is the THIRD time the cops have been called, just on him! He's lucky all he got was the pepper spray. As others have said, it's a lose-lose situation period. There was no right way to handle it. Officer subdues kid, breaks his arm, lawsuit ensues. Cop uses baton, leaves welps, possible nerve damage, and maybe even a broken bone. Cop shoots kid, kid dies. He used the least harmful option he had. Period.

                    I just watched the video as well. That mother is a fucking joke. Self control is a problem for her, so of course it's going to be a problem for her kid. Stupid cunt should be spayed with an ice cream scooper.
                    Originally posted by BradM
                    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                    Originally posted by Leah
                    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                    • Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                      Mine would. A citizen is a citizen, not an LEO. A citizen has no right unless they are defending their property. I can't think of many other situations that I would be ok with it. Try looking at this from a different angle. Let's say your child was in the same class. Let's say he got busted over the head with a tv. You'd be screaming for this kid's testicles from the mountaintops.
                      Guys, seriously think about this. An 8 year old THROWING heavy objects? LOL. I'd pay to see that.


                      • As dumb as this may sound to some of you, I'm okay with the pepper spray thing. I would NOT be okay with a taser on an 8 y/o.

                        We as a society put ourselves in this predicament anyway. When I was a kid in WV, if I did that - the SCHOOL would've handled it. I would've come home with at least some bruises while being brought under control. Then when my parents found out, the real punishments would've started.

                        These days, with sue happy parents - the schools off load to the police.

                        A lot of parents suck these days. Take a look around...

                        a. A lot of parents have 3-5 kids before they are even mature enough to be parents themselves.

                        b. A lot of those same parents are not exactly model citizens.

                        c. Our government enables people who live above their means. To me, having more kids then you can afford is living above your means. Regardless of your religious beliefs. (I'm Catholic)

                        d. Then when schools which are forced to take all kids, try to regulate their behavior they get sued.

                        e. Then when the police have to regulate AN 8 YEAR OLD'S behavior because he is DESTROYING the classroom - everyone wants to be the judge of the COP. At 8 y/o I was not well behaved per se - but in comparison to a lot of kids these days I was a little angel. Just too much energy.

                        f. Poor does not = piss poor kids/parents. Piss poor people = piss poor parents/kids. I was and knew a lot of folks in WV who were POOR. I wore 5 dollar sneakers to school for a year that left marks on the gym floor I had to clean up everyday. However, there were kids with less then me. However, my parents still taught me right from wrong. That's free and does not cost parents anything to do.
                        Originally posted by MR EDD
                        U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                        • Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
                          Guys, seriously think about this. An 8 year old THROWING heavy objects? LOL. I'd pay to see that.
                          Flat panel tvs are light as shit. And desks really aren't that heavy either. I know a good amount of 8 yr olds that could do either with ease due to their size. Dr Dave has a huge kid too, around that same age. Add in that anger/rage, and I certainly don't think it's impossible.
                          Originally posted by BradM
                          But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                          Originally posted by Leah
                          In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                          • Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                            Flat panel tvs are light as shit. And desks really aren't that heavy either. I know a good amount of 8 yr olds that could do either with ease due to their size. Dr Dave has a huge kid too, around that same age. Add in that anger/rage/retard strength, and I certainly don't think it's impossible.


                            • Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                              As dumb as this may sound to some of you, I'm okay with the pepper spray thing. I would NOT be okay with a taser on an 8 y/o.

                              We as a society put ourselves in this predicament anyway. When I was a kid in WV, if I did that - the SCHOOL would've handled it. I would've come home with at least some bruises while being brought under control. Then when my parents found out, the real punishments would've started.

                              These days, with sue happy parents - the schools off load to the police.

                              A lot of parents suck these days. Take a look around...

                              a. A lot of parents have 3-5 kids before they are even mature enough to be parents themselves.

                              b. A lot of those same parents are not exactly model citizens.

                              c. Our government enables people who live above their means. To me, having more kids then you can afford is living above your means. Regardless of your religious beliefs. (I'm Catholic)

                              d. Then when schools which are forced to take all kids, try to regulate their behavior they get sued.

                              e. Then when the police have to regulate AN 8 YEAR OLD'S behavior because he is DESTROYING the classroom - everyone wants to be the judge of the COP. At 8 y/o I was not well behaved per se - but in comparison to a lot of kids these days I was a little angel. Just too much energy.

                              f. Poor does not = piss poor kids/parents. Piss poor people = piss poor parents/kids. I was and knew a lot of folks in WV who were POOR. I wore 5 dollar sneakers to school for a year that left marks on the gym floor I had to clean up everyday. However, there were kids with less then me. However, my parents still taught me right from wrong. That's free and does not cost parents anything to do.
                              It's a huge dichotomy, these "parents" want the school system to raise them, but don't want the school system to discipline them. Raise them right at home, and there shouldn't be any need for discipline at school.

                              This jid is gonna grow up thinking it's okay to do the same thing in a restaraunt or the mall, and they WILL get tasered, if not shot.


                              • Originally posted by Big A View Post
                                It's a huge dichotomy, these "parents" want the school system to raise them, but don't want the school system to discipline them. Raise them right at home, and there shouldn't be any need for discipline at school.

                                This jid is gonna grow up thinking it's okay to do the same thing in a restaraunt or the mall, and they WILL get tasered, if not shot.
                                Hopefully the latter... People suck these days.

