Talking about Layne Staley passing in the other thread got me thinking about the age brackets and Generations most members are a part of. If I had to wager a bet, I'd say a majority of the members are Gen X, but it seems like we've been getting many younger members lately. Lets find out. For the record, these are the generally recognized birth brackets for each Generation.
Silent Generation 1925-1945(we might actually have a couple)
Baby Boomers 1945-1963
Generation X 1963-1982
Generation Y(or Millenials) 1982-1995
Generation Z 1995-present
Silent Generation 1925-1945(we might actually have a couple)
Baby Boomers 1945-1963
Generation X 1963-1982
Generation Y(or Millenials) 1982-1995
Generation Z 1995-present