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There really are good people left...even on this board!

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  • There really are good people left...even on this board!

    So I spoke to a board member a week or so ago about a fog light for my truck. He had a classified up for some bumpers (which I didnt need) and just happened to have the correct side fog light I needed in it. I messaged him to ask how much, he spoke to his friend (they werent even his bumpers), got the lamp and all to find out we live a considerable distance apart. He asked my addy ( I figured he wanted to see what distance it really was) and low and behold, a fedex package I wasnt expecting showed up today. The even cooler part, that I never told him was someone backed into it in the parking lot and didnt leave me a note. Just goes to show you there are some great people left in this world.

    Huge thanks to kingjason
    Ring and pinion specialist

  • #2
    KingJason is a cool dude. He found another board member and I a place to ride... ride HIS dirt bike and ATV to get the hang of it before we bought sport bikes.

    He also didn't get mad when I fell off his ATV twice either, but just pointed, laughed, and took pictures.

    This man apparently has a lot of good karma!


    • #3
      We got the front bumper for the Bronco from him. He's a cool dude for sure.
      Token Split Tail

      Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
      Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
      You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


      • #4
        kingjason is, King.
        Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
        Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


        • #5
          Thanks guys! I try to help people out on occassion, I figure it offsets my dark and evil side a little. LOL
          Whos your Daddy?


          • #6
            This story brings a tear to my eye.
            "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


            • #7
              Gives an a new meaning to FTP around here with all this back patting and nutswinging. Youre gonna get swine flu, Greenbullitt.


              • #8


                • #9
                  We are fucking surrounded, only this fucking hawaiian isn't coming out with his hands up in the air...

                  Originally posted by Silverback
                  Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.

