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  • #61
    Glad you made it back there's lots of good guys that weren't as fortunate. A good friend of mine lost one of his men during his first deployment.


    • #62
      Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
      He wasnt dead...just a piss poor job of checking for vital signs. People with opiate OD have respiratory depression...depending on how much he received, he could have only taken a breath every 30-45secs and appeared to be dead because the skin gets cyanotic and the heart will eventually arrest. I am sure that the medic just took a look at his head injury and his cyanotic skin and called him deceased without checking for a pulse or a blood pressure. It happens...oh, and no matter what is said publicly, if a soldier has what is deemed a non-survivable injury, then they will OD them on purpose. That could have contributed to the declaration of death as well.
      I've never had it explained to me like that. Interesting. So you say my vitals were so depressed they just didn't register? Neat.

      As far as lasting effects? Paranoia, anxiety, PTSD, post concussive disorder, migraines, hear voices and see shadows, flashbacks, nightmares, have nerve damaage so I shake, hmmm sensitive to sunlight, bad memory, .... normal stuff.
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #63
        Originally posted by big_tiger View Post
        So you woke up, with no help of being revived, after they overdosed you? Fucking A, I hope the guy that overdosed you was next to you when you woke up. That would scare the shit out of him.
        Yep. I woke up being zipped up
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #64
          I'd buy a copy.


          • #65
            Originally posted by stinginstang View Post
            I still think about my loss frequently. If I think too hard about it, I'll get a little misty eyed. In Michael Moore's Fahrenhit 911, he has a mom who's son was killed in the Blackhawk with my friend.

            Frost - for some reason you're still alive. For that matter, so am I. Let's make it count.
            I carry a picture of him with me to this date. I posted on some site that was dedicated to fallen soldiers and started recalling times we had and got really fucked up over it.

            Watching them lower his coffin into the ground was a memory I won't forget. It was a surreal situation that mated the pain of losing my closest friend with feelings of pride and amazement as he was sent out with a 21 gun salute. His entire unit was on hand, and I'd say roughly 1000 people.

            I'm glad Phelps wasn't there. I'd be sitting, as a hero, in a prison cell.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
              Watching them lower his coffin into the ground was a memory I won't forget.
              I know the childhood friend may still be alive if I hadnt talked him into forgoing his baseball scholarship and joining the Army with me.


              • #67
                I'm glad you made it man, If you do decide to write a book I'll be sure to get it.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                  Well, the bullet in the head didn't kill me, 3 shots I took in the vest didn't kill me nor did the 2 RPG's that my Bradley got hit with. What did it was the medic who put me on the blackhawk overdosed me on morphine
                  Holy shit, do you ever have bad luck. Not sure I would want to go party with you. LOL. Good to hear you pulled through.


                  • #69
                    Thanks for your service. Crazy story. I'd definitely buy a book if you wrote one. I like to hear peoples stories as well. Hear about past experiences and what they've been through.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                      I hear that... geography is against us... I live south of Houston.
                      Man, I sure hope you two do this.
                      If so, I'd buy a copy to help show support!


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                        I have no idea. I had a bullet sticking out of my skull. I remember getting a shot, being walked to the 'hawk and them sitting me in it. NO seatbelt, no door closed, woke up being zipped in a bag and smiled at the nurse doing it and said "You're cute."

                        She yelled and said "Holy shit, you're alive!" And I said "Yeah....think so, doing anything later?"

                        They yanked me out of it, put me on a backboard and neckbrace and put me in a different pile
                        LMGDAO @ "put me in a different pile"

                        Doctor: "Oops, my bad! Put this guy in the "Holy Shit, he's still alive pile", and put that headless corps in his place. Yeah, that'l work."

                        I've read several of your post on here over the years, and have mad respect for you bro.
                        Glad you gave the grim reaper the finger. lol



                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                          I carry a picture of him with me to this date. I posted on some site that was dedicated to fallen soldiers and started recalling times we had and got really fucked up over it.

                          Watching them lower his coffin into the ground was a memory I won't forget. It was a surreal situation that mated the pain of losing my closest friend with feelings of pride and amazement as he was sent out with a 21 gun salute. His entire unit was on hand, and I'd say roughly 1000 people.

                          I'm glad Phelps wasn't there. I'd be sitting, as a hero, in a prison cell.
                          After I was out, one of my friends got caught under a LMTV while driving it to the airport to fly out on leave. He dozed off and hit a median and flipped the whole thing. At his funeral, they didn't even have his medals right. My battle buddy (was discharged because while doing a combat roll, he slipped and drove the rifle barrel through his skull) and I stripped our uniforms to put the right rank, medals, CIB, blue cord and all on his. My Class A's look like ass but he was burried in style.
                          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by 01-GATOR View Post
                            I'm glad you made it man, If you do decide to write a book I'll be sure to get it.
                            same here!

                            My FaceBook Photo Page

