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four loko

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  • Originally posted by stevo View Post
    I tried it because it is/was about to removed/changed.

    Maybe you need to try it before making statements like that.

    No one is comparing these to liquor, the are comparing it to beer in a can, and I'm sure it wouldn't have that much of an effect on hardcore drunks like yourself that guzzle a gallon of vodka and bourbon every day.

    Your sarcasm needs more subtlety.

    Yup, because if it isn't at least 80 proof mixed half/half your a puss, am I right?

    Just my personal opinion. Don't get butt hurt about it. I'm a fairly heavy drinker, so these types of drinks just don't have the same affect on me, apparently. I slammed a TILT + 1 Mich Ultra and didn't feel hardly any buzz whatsoever. Again, I primarily drink Vodka. So, it's probably just me and a tolerance issue. As I stated above, if you are just a social drinker or don't have a lot of weight on your bones, I'm sure you'll get buzzed pretty hard. However, for me, these types of drinks leave little to be desired. I drank two Long Island Ice Teas at TGIFs this past Saturday and ask the bartender if he was watering that shit down as it was weak sauce. It's just me. The reason I call BS on some of these drinks is I read somewhere that a can of TILT or Four Loko is equivalent to 4 or 5 cans of beer. That's total nonsense. If I slam 5 bottles of Bud Ice, I can actually feel a tangible effect. I still think it's marketing hype regarding these types of drinks. I can't find Four Loco at any local convenience stores as I'm interested in seeing if any of the hype is duly justified. I can't, but am willing to bet it will have little to no effect.
    Last edited by LS1Goat; 11-25-2010, 09:23 PM.


    • I have a four loko for you my friend.
      Big Rooster Racing
      1985 Mustang GT


      • Originally posted by Josh.0 View Post
        I have a four loko for you my friend.
        Sounds good to me. As I can't find that crap at any of the local convenience stores in Lewisville. They pulled it with the quickness. I'd like to try a can of the Lemonade and chase it down with a shot of Grey Goose.

        Better living through chemistry.


        • Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
          Better living through chemistry.
          No living via cirrhosis.


          • Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
            No living via cirrhosis.
            This is true. Hopefully, I'll get it together before we reach that stage.


            • haha


              • omg! how much did 4 cases cost you?


                • Gone from local shelves when I checked yesterday.

                  Originally posted by SSMAN
                  ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                  • many women, both young and older, that i have relations with love the shit outta that junk.

                    i, personally, have never tried it and if i ever saw one of my homies drink it, i'd run their dick over with the Olds.


                    • I got my case for 27 bucks + tax
                      Big Rooster Racing
                      1985 Mustang GT


                      • Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                        just being honest based on my subjective experience. it was like a placebo filled can of cough syrupy water laced with a blue dye.

                        i think the problem is that i'm an acclimatized alcoholic. it takes a lot to get me juiced up. these ridiculous drinks don't compare to triple distilled vodka or everclear.

                        i'm sure if you weighed 150 lbs. and didn't drink that often, you might feel something. maybe..
                        thatd be me. haha. im aobut 150 and hardly drink. Im sure if i ever tried it it fuck me up. Yall tried juice? Heard its just like that shit.
                        GOPR0198 by larrychance88


                        • Originally posted by grove rat View Post

                          Thanks for rubbing it in. Someone needs to organize a four loko party since I can't find this drink anywhere. And I've looked at several stores. You supply the loko, I'll bring a bottle of Grey Goose.


                          • The south texas hood rat in me wants to get loco with the 4loko.

                            I'm gonna have to hit up some stores here in Austin and see if they have any.

                            Puro Gangsta!


                            • Originally posted by Silverback View Post
                              Puro Gangsta!
                              i know you're being sarcastic. right? right???

                              puro basura.

                              i got somethin for ya to sip on, big homie and it'll def bring out that south texas outta your big white ass.

                              hit me up.


                              • You got some white lightnin Fern?

