Changing the brakes on the TL, getting some flowers and mulch and spruce up the front yard, hang out with some friends tonight then bust ass on a paper that's due Monday. Somewhere in there I have to clean up the house a bit, too. All the sudden, this weekend doesn't sound so relaxing. lol
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
jiu jitsu practice then drink some beers on a patio somewhere. sunday i have to do my yard and cut down a tree. monday acl reconstruction surgery followed by a month of xbox.
Working right now, then a little spring cleaning when I get off. This evening, maybe a cruise on the Street Bob.
Tomorrow, finish cleaning, then get on the bike and hit the road for a bit, then go to the range for a little while. Then, possibly a movie. We'll see.
jiu jitsu practice then drink some beers on a patio somewhere. sunday i have to do my yard and cut down a tree. monday acl reconstruction surgery followed by a month of xbox.
Dude-seriously. If you need anything, just holla. Drinks on a patio sounds tits. If you end up in our neck of the woods-let us know!