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Anyone watching Hulk Hogan's story on A&E?

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  • #16
    There was a good Rolling Stone article on him within the last year (same stuff the show talks about, it sounds like).


    • #17
      He's still doing commercials with Troy Aikman. And he's getting something from that reality show. I don't think he's rock bottom financially. Maybe his kid killing someone in car accident affected the family more than anyone realized.


      • #18
        Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
        Anyone care of giving me the cliffnotes of his life story of the past 5 years? I haven't really followed anything that has happened to him but I am curious now that a thread was created.
        My post above plus the mom divorcing, then getting married to a dude 30 years her junior. The marine that was paralyed tries sueing the family because they knew their son was an irresponsible idiot (they settle out of court). Mom would take daughter street racing. Son goes to jail for 8 months, tries to make money on the deal. Hulk dates a girl 20 years younger than himself. Daughter ends up with an amazing singing career.
        De Oppresso Liber.


        • #19
          Crazy world. I grew up watching him too
          99 Mustang Project JSTA2V
          going from really slow to just alittle slow

          2013 Focus ST the daily cruising the 4 banger


          • #20
            Originally posted by Katrina View Post
            cool points gained for knowing about the wrestling buddies. points lost for admitting you EVER owned MM's album.

            Anyone ever interested in the local wrestling? Sportatorium (sp?) back in the day? Action Jackson...Ice Man King Parsons... Von Erichs.... Billy Joe Travis... I was raised on wrestling
            Bruiser Brody and Kabuki own all!

