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Schools Under Pressure to Stop Paddling

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  • #31
    Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
    what if the kid was a cop? would we need to hear both..............ahhh nevermind.

    god bless.

    I got my ass paddled in school. Hell, in football, when the coach looked at your report card, and if you got anything less than an "A" in conduct, he would whoop that ass.

    He expected his players to be role models. Than man could wield a paddle. His was wrapped with athletic tape and then had 1/2" holes drilled into it to reduce drag.


    • #32
      I think that immediately resorting to spanking is a complete lack of parenting/leadership skills. I agree that we are primal creatures and that pain is a known absolute, but if there were other ways/means of getting the same result (i.e. not recreating the same behavior/actions) wouldn't you rather use that than hitting your kid? Don't misunderstand me...I have done it in the past and will again if it is the only recourse...but to hit/spank/beat (whatever you want to cal it) is my last resort...and it works very well for us. I have a straight A student whose biggest mess up thus far has been getting reprimanded by the teacher for being a little too talkative in class.

      It is easy to say "if we do away with spanking in school, it will only lead to the futher pussification of America". When in reality the problem lies with us as parents and not the school system. Kids do not go to school to learn how to be good kids..they go to learn. America (not everyone - don't get excited and post hate mail on me) seems to have the forgone conclusion that the schools are there to raise our kids and teach them right from wrong. When in reality they should be there learning.

      I agree that kids will be kids and peer pressure is a motherfucker. Lord knows I did shit that should have gotten me beat by my Dad. You have to teach and show them what is right and as they age they make their own decisions...which would most likely...not the right decision. We (America) run around talking about teaching our kids not to smoke and do drugs etc etc, and then you pull up at a light and look over and some mom/dad is puffing away with junior in the back. Rant off / my $.02.
      Originally posted by grove rat
      shiiiiiit.. i love em thick


      • #33
        Sure every kid does not need to be spanked but there are many that do and if thats taken away then they will just run amuck.

        Look how bad Bart Simpson would be if Homer didnt stragngle him every now and then.
        Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


        • #34
          Originally posted by LaserSVT View Post
          Sure every kid does not need to be spanked but there are many that do and if thats taken away then they will just run amuck.

          Look how bad Bart Simpson would be if Homer didnt stragngle him every now and then.
          Touche sir! You broke out the Bart Simpson comparison. That's almost cheating in a convo like this!

          Do you think that the fear of pain is what keeps kids in line? Not saying I agree or diagree...just asking.

          I would argue your point and say that the fear of pain is a large driving force for everyone..adults included.

          I would argue against and say that the lack of guidance and truly teaching and showing right from wrong is what causes kids to "run amuck".

          I don't believe that most kids are inherently "bad" or as we tell our son..."you are not a bad kid...your actions were bad". But before I steer this into a nature vs. nurture discussion...I will say that actions/behaviors run downhill...just like shit. Kids are sponges and recreate/emulate what the see and/or hear. They also pick up on our (adults) nuances,stresses (action/verbal) and emphasis. That is why when I let slip a son almost immediately says the word I just used. I believe it is across the board with the sum total of what we do as parents. You get what you give.
          Originally posted by grove rat
          shiiiiiit.. i love em thick


          • #35
            Originally posted by V8tt View Post
            I think that immediately resorting to spanking is a complete lack of parenting/leadership skills. I agree that we are primal creatures and that pain is a known absolute, but if there were other ways/means of getting the same result (i.e. not recreating the same behavior/actions) wouldn't you rather use that than hitting your kid? Don't misunderstand me...I have done it in the past and will again if it is the only recourse...but to hit/spank/beat (whatever you want to cal it) is my last resort...and it works very well for us. I have a straight A student whose biggest mess up thus far has been getting reprimanded by the teacher for being a little too talkative in class.

            It is easy to say "if we do away with spanking in school, it will only lead to the futher pussification of America". When in reality the problem lies with us as parents and not the school system. Kids do not go to school to learn how to be good kids..they go to learn. America (not everyone - don't get excited and post hate mail on me) seems to have the forgone conclusion that the schools are there to raise our kids and teach them right from wrong. When in reality they should be there learning.

            I agree that kids will be kids and peer pressure is a motherfucker. Lord knows I did shit that should have gotten me beat by my Dad. You have to teach and show them what is right and as they age they make their own decisions...which would most likely...not the right decision. We (America) run around talking about teaching our kids not to smoke and do drugs etc etc, and then you pull up at a light and look over and some mom/dad is puffing away with junior in the back. Rant off / my $.02.
            At the same time there is a trade off of time versus results. Some principal or teacher doesn't have hours to mentor a student to the point where they finally decide to get their shit together. The parents have that sort of time. So the teachers beat that ass, it takes five minutes and saves hours and hours of time.

            On top of that, some kids just need their asses beat and never get it at home. All they get are empty threats, so they act like assholes. At the very least they should get that at school. All of the ones I know like this ended up in prison, even when they did get their asses beat.
            Originally posted by racrguy
            What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
            Originally posted by racrguy
            Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


            • #36
              Originally posted by red95gts View Post
              If that was my kid, he'd have gotten his ass busted a second time when he got home. Maybe he shouldn't have skipped detention. Dumb ass.
              If I got spanked at school, I got my ass busted by my grandfather when I got home.

              Knowing that would happen, I toed the line at school. That's probably the only reason I was as compliant as I was. The same rule stands in our home now, they get in trouble at school, they get punished at home.


              • #37
                I will add that spanking IS a necessity at some points.

                Ex: When we were first letting my son play in the front yard(supervised) fences.. we let him know the dangers of geting close to the road. The first..and he only did it once...time he ventured too far into the ditch and hence by the road...I gave him a quick and somewhat hard (for his age) pop on the ass. He understood the pain and related it to what we were trying to teach/instill in him. Get in the road and pain will occur. Pain being either from me or getting run over.

                I caveat this with not all kids are the same and there are some that are very hardheaded and require the "teaching" more than once or twice. We are lucky to not have that problem.
                Originally posted by grove rat
                shiiiiiit.. i love em thick


                • #38
                  Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                  Growing up, I had a neighbor my age, about 10-12 that had his mother wrapped up pretty good. He did whatever he wanted and would always threaten to call CPS if she laid a hand on him. He basically got to do whatever he wanted.
                  Oh. Hell. No. He would have found himself on the front door of a juvenile bootcamp WISHING to be back home.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                    At the same time there is a trade off of time versus results. Some principal or teacher doesn't have hours to mentor a student to the point where they finally decide to get their shit together. The parents have that sort of time. So the teachers beat that ass, it takes five minutes and saves hours and hours of time.
                    You bring up a great point I will not disgree with. But ultimately, for my wife and I...I don't want someone else hitting MY kid. I rarely do it...and I will be damned if someone else determines action vs. punishment for MY child. They can call me and I WILL handle it. If my son's actions/behaviors don't improve then we have a larger issue at hand. Is it something in the school causing this? Solve THAT problem and go from there. IMO it is alot of if/then statements concerning kids. Leave spanking in school...but leave it up to the individual parents on whether it happens to THEIR kids. Then set a control, and measure the haves (spanking) and the have nots (non-spanking) and see the results. I would be willing to bet a months salary (I am also a resident DFWMustangs cha-ching for you if I am wrong) that you will see that it comes to the home life and not the child.
                    Originally posted by grove rat
                    shiiiiiit.. i love em thick


                    • #40
                      I don't understand whipping a small child. Its just not right that a kid can't defend themself. Just like when adults fight each other ex. Boyfriend hit girlfriend for her being dumb.
                      Why do you have to have your parent sign paper to go on a field trip but they don't sign anything before you get a whipping. Why don't we have something like peta but for abused kids. Peace and love on earth.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by lincolnboy View Post
                        I don't understand whipping a small child. Its just not right that a kid can't defend themself. Just like when adults fight each other ex. Boyfriend hit girlfriend for her being dumb.
                        Why do you have to have your parent sign paper to go on a field trip but they don't sign anything before you get a whipping. Why don't we have something like peta but for abused kids. Peace and love on earth.
                        yur kid will own you
                        pinto gt with wood trim


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by V8tt View Post
                          You bring up a great point I will not disgree with. But ultimately, for my wife and I...I don't want someone else hitting MY kid. I rarely do it...and I will be damned if someone else determines action vs. punishment for MY child. They can call me and I WILL handle it. If my son's actions/behaviors don't improve then we have a larger issue at hand. Is it something in the school causing this? Solve THAT problem and go from there. IMO it is alot of if/then statements concerning kids. Leave spanking in school...but leave it up to the individual parents on whether it happens to THEIR kids. Then set a control, and measure the haves (spanking) and the have nots (non-spanking) and see the results. I would be willing to bet a months salary (I am also a resident DFWMustangs cha-ching for you if I am wrong) that you will see that it comes to the home life and not the child.
                          Oh I agree with you. I was just saying spanking should be an available tool to teachers because it will be the only discipline some of those kids ever get. Which is what you are saying, the home life is the most important thing.
                          Originally posted by racrguy
                          What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                          Originally posted by racrguy
                          Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                          • #43
                            So we as adult should get spanking instead of jail time as kids getting a spanking instead of iss or detention.


                            • #44
                              don't worry with the huge teacher layoffs coming this summer...there won't be any teachers to teach or paddle....sad sad sad gf of 5 yrs is a teacher so i hear all about whats coming.


                              • #45
                                I've had to bust my 10 year old's ass a few times. My 5 year old, on the other hand, I haven't had to because he saw his brother get his ass busted. I just give him "the look" and we're good.
                                Karussell White - 2010 Genesis Coupe R-Spec 6MT 2.0T -

