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Schools Under Pressure to Stop Paddling

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  • #16
    I was always bigger than everyone else, including teachers and principals, and even my parents. The beatings stopped around 12 years old when i could defend myself, and take the belt or paddle away. I remember my jr high pricipal just staring at me when i held the paddle in my hand and said, "you won't be using this on me anymore".


    • #17
      Originally posted by Silverback View Post
      I was always bigger than everyone else, including teachers and principals, and even my parents. The beatings stopped around 12 years old when i could defend myself, and take the belt or paddle away. I remember my jr high pricipal just staring at me when i held the paddle in my hand and said, "you won't be using this on me anymore".
      your principal was a pussy and needed to use a ball bat on you. those who can't.....teach, oh well
      pinto gt with wood trim


      • #18
        Originally posted by Grape View Post
        not beating kids is why this country is full of pussies.
        Whos your Daddy?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Grape View Post
          not beating kids is why this country is full of pussies.
          Piss poor parents more concerned with texting and facebooking than raising their children is the real problem, beating kids has very little to do with it.

          I am all for spanking a kid, but like Al, I'm a little more on the side that the parents should handle that, because I wouldn't want to leave it up to some of the worthless shits in the public education system or day care workers. Not that all of them are worthless, but plenty are.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Grape View Post
            your principal was a pussy and needed to use a ball bat on you. those who can't.....teach, oh well
            Originally posted by Silverback View Post
            Piss poor parents more concerned with texting and facebooking than raising their children is the real problem, beating kids has very little to do with it.

            I am all for spanking a kid, but like Al, I'm a little more on the side that the parents should handle that, because I wouldn't want to leave it up to some of the worthless shits in the public education system or day care workers. Not that all of them are worthless, but plenty are.
            grape wants to give you a spanking?

            god bless.
            It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


            • #21
              Originally posted by Grape View Post
              not beating kids is why this country is full of pussies.
              Yep. I will bust my kids ass if need be and if someone don't like it, they can have some too.


              • #22
                Originally posted by red95gts View Post
                If that was my kid, he'd have gotten his ass busted a second time when he got home. Maybe he shouldn't have skipped detention. Dumb ass.
                That was always the rule at my house when I was younger. You get in trouble at school, you're gonna get it at home, too. I only had to do that once.

                Originally posted by Grape View Post
                your principal was a pussy and needed to use a ball bat on you. those who can't.....teach, oh well
                Token Split Tail

                Originally posted by slow99
       favorite female poster strikes again.
                Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
                  grape wants to give you a spanking?

                  god bless.
                  he'll have to get through you first, eh big boy?


                  • #24
                    My sister went off campus for lunch one day, and just so happened to run in to the Vice Principal at Subway. So when they got back, he called my father to get permission for swats. My Dad told him he had to wait 30 minutes until he got there.

                    And when he got there, he showed up with a camera in hand. lmao.

                    A friend of mine was getting swats by the lady vice principal at my high school one day. They had to do it with the door open, and a witness. So I'm sitting in the office for an unrelated matter that I was about to receive swats for. As Fred got his swats, he started saying "Oh baby, spank me harder". That little lady was PISSED! Thank goodness I wasn't next in her line for swats. I feel for whoever had to follow Fred.
                    Originally posted by BradM
                    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                    Originally posted by Leah
                    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                      As Fred got his swats, he started saying "Oh baby, spank me harder". That little lady was PISSED!

                      been there done that, skank didn't see the humor
                      pinto gt with wood trim


                      • #26
                        When and where I grew up the neighbor and anyone in charge at school could paddle your ass at any time you deserved it. To top that off as soon as you got home complaining about it you got your ass whipped with a belt again. Back then you did not have all these foul mouth, talking back, little pricks that are running around now.
                        Whos your Daddy?


                        • #27
                          Growing up, I had a neighbor my age, about 10-12 that had his mother wrapped up pretty good. He did whatever he wanted and would always threaten to call CPS if she laid a hand on him. He basically got to do whatever he wanted.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                            Growing up, I had a neighbor my age, about 10-12 that had his mother wrapped up pretty good. He did whatever he wanted and would always threaten to call CPS if she laid a hand on him. He basically got to do whatever he wanted.

                            I tried that with my dad once. He said if i picked up that phone he'd break my hand hahaha
                            pinto gt with wood trim


                            • #29
                              The pussification of America really pisses me off. I was paddled many times in school and if they didnt do it I would have been a serious terror there. Its something that is needed. My friends who discipline their kids hear comments all the time of "your kids are so well behaved" or "wow, thats a smart kid" while the ones who let them run amuck are constantly frazzled and have the kids ruining their lives.

                              Those are the same kids that if you even look at them funny they will run to someone saying they were abused. Its a downward spiral and needs to be nipped in the butt before it gets worse.
                              Unfortunatly it wont and kids will only get worse untill the whole population is emo.
                              Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Grape View Post
                                I tried that with my dad once. He said if i picked up that phone he'd break my hand hahaha
                                My dad said he'd pack my bag for me

