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Pre/Early Diabetes?

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  • #31
    I'm still reading that book, so i haven't quit yet.


    • #32
      Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
      Yea, I am somewhat wondering if my diabetese diagnosis was a result of alot of partying for the three months before I took the blood test.

      I did have 196 last night after dinner, but that was with a bad dinner and 3 samoas, and about an hour after. Normally I test two hours after. I was normal this morning.

      And don't forget the insurance thing I was talking about, you don't want to spend $50 a month when it isn't necessary.
      Check if you (both) can get the test strips and stuff via mail order. Our insurance at my work has that option, and you get 3 months of med's for the price of 2 months copay.


      • #33
        Originally posted by ImayBblack View Post
        Yeah I eat a shit ton of fast food and TONS of sweets and sodas. I'm so screwed. Oh and i have to quit smoking too. I'm so fucked.
        Deal killer.


        • #34
          Originally posted by ImayBblack View Post
          Has anyone been diagnosed with this? I was diagnosed on Friday with this. I figured it was coming because almost everyone in my family is diabetic. Just wondering if there are any success stories of actually preventing this disease when it's caught in this stage?

          Doctor told me to cut calories, sugars and start exercising regulary. This is going to be extremely hard for me with limited time and poor eating habits. Any tips would be great.
          My mom is a diabetic educator with methodist hospital in mansfield. They do free classes I believe there teaching you how to eat ect. Hit them up if you would like.


          • #35
            I was diagnosed a little more than 2 years ago and have done a pretty good job of controlling it... I'm only having to monitor my blood sugar a couple times a month... Getting to know what foods really contain what is a big step... Say carrots for instance... You would think they would be ok because they are a veggie but they will sky rocket blood sugar... My biggest problem has been keeping my weight constant... I was at 120 when diagnosed and weight varies 15-20 lbs in a hurry... Start exercising now even if it's a short walk around the block... Need any other help I'll do what I can


            • #36
              Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
              Deal killer.
              No shit! If she smokes she pokes.


              • #37
                Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                I was diagnosed in september. It really is a kick in the ass when they tell you.

                Work on your diet as soon as possible. Cut out all sugars. Drink water mostly. You can drink diet cokes, but sparingly. Pay very close attention to your calories and carbs.

                Everybodys body reacts different to certain foods. Some people have problems with carb loads like pasta, etc. I don't have that problem, it is strictly soft drinks and sweets that really affect me.
                Diagnosed in Dec, myself. Sucked.

                I've found that starches really gets me: rice, potatoes, etc. So I've cut that out and nearly all fast food. Also have reduced my portions. I rarely get seconds anymore. Also eliminated the drinks all the way, now.

                I'll "spoil" myself every other week with a greasy burger or something, though. Just to keep my sanity.
                Originally posted by ImayBblack View Post
                6.2% I think.
                My doc say 6% and under is "good".

                I went from 8.5 to 6.2 in three months.
                "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


                • #38
                  My Dad has been diabetic for years. 2 co-workers recently were diagonsed as well. My Dad doesn't do anything he's suposed to. Constant health issues.
                  1 co-worker started eating better. Not really exercising, and don't think he's limited his smoking. He went in for a follow up last week. Doctor told him he is close to not having to take any meds. So if you can eat better, and try to stick to a good diet. You can beat it. Every so often it's ok to cheat. Just not daily.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
                    Diagnosed in Dec, myself. Sucked.

                    I've found that starches really gets me: rice, potatoes, etc. So I've cut that out and nearly all fast food. Also have reduced my portions. I rarely get seconds anymore. Also eliminated the drinks all the way, now.

                    I'll "spoil" myself every other week with a greasy burger or something, though. Just to keep my sanity.

                    My doc say 6% and under is "good".

                    I went from 8.5 to 6.2 in three months.
                    Yeah i get blood work pretty regularly because of my thyriod. I was fine two months ago. So now i get to go in even more regularly. I will catch a break one of these days.

                    they also said one of the medications I am on could affect these levels as well. So I went to that doctor today and they are going to "wein" me off of that medication as well to see if it helps.
                    See you later...


                    • #40
                      Do take all the precautions you can. My father was 53 and passed away this October from it. He was diagnosed this summer the week after father's day. I never would have imagined it would be his last one. I'm sure his days of drinking contributed quite a bit. The only symptoms I could recall previous to his diagnosis were unexplained dizzy spells. Good luck to you and I hope you overcome your family's genetic history.


                      • #41
                        eat right, drink only water and tea, and exercise. Start running, or get a bike, make a goal for yourself like a 5k run or something. Nip that shit in the butt

                        oh and I would worry more about getting those sodas out of your life than the cigs right now. They are so bad for you. 41g of sugar per can, that is crazy. and its so easy to drink 6+ cans a day


                        • #42


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by mustang_revival View Post
                            Originally posted by BradM
                            But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                            Originally posted by Leah
                            In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                            • #44
                              See you later...


                              • #45
                                sorry if i missed it, did you move to the H?

                                god bless.
                                It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass

