Douchebags? What a compliment. I thought you regarded us of lesser ilk.
We went on a 9 day Spring Break trip and I was posting some pics from it. This was our itinerary:
(Keep in mind, there were 3 kids (ages 14, 13, and 6), me and Chili all in my Acura TL this whole time-lol)
Friday 3/11-left and drove to Carlsbad
Saturday 3/12-went on a cavern tour in the morning, then drove to Blythe, CA.
Sunday 3/13-got to Riverside, hung out with the family and went to dinner.
Monday 3/14-took my daughter to Disneyland
Tuesday 3/15-drove to Venice Beach, had lunch then cruised Beverly Hills and Hollywood. Went out to dinner with the family.
Wednesday-3/16-vegged out at the house and had lunch with my aunt and uncle.
Thursday 3/17-had dinner with Chili's mom/brother then drove to Vegas
Friday 3/18-played in Vegas
Saturday 3/19-got up, went to the Hoover Dam and drove
Sunday 3/20-got home
We're all still pooped.
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
I deleted the thread because I could see you douchebags turning it into something bad. LOL
seems you'd be used to this by now....
"We, the people, are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts - not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln