You really don't owe anyone an explanation Jose, but it is appreciated bro.
Most of the old schoolers knew that Chris was the man behind the scenes and you were the face of the "other board", sometimes (actaully all of the time these days) money changes people and it looks like someone approached Chris with a dollar amount that he thought he earned it but in reality 'PEOPLE' of that board made it what it was not him. Everyone had to look no futher than one of our many GTG's specifically our Dallas & Ft.Worth x-mas parties, you could walk into either and everyone knew who you were but I know for a fact that if Chris would have attended either no one would know who he was but a select few.
Oh well it is what it is, fuck that board, Tyler and Kyle and now you and Kenny have made sure that we all have a place to hang our 'Internet Hat', home is what WE make it. I look foward to our future and by no means that we regret our past.
Many members here have met their wives/husbands, boyfriends/girlfriends, booty calls and sincere friendships have been formed. And lets not forget the our friends that have passed away during these past 10 + years, the bond that keeps us together will never be broken...'Henry
Thanks for the post Jose. I'll support whatever it is your planning. I think I still owe you a couple beers from the past parties and GTG's. Plain and simple your a pretty good guy and I think a lot of us are gonna miss having to option on polls to call you our favorite moderator. You gotta do what you gotta do. Shoot me your number in a PM.
You really don't owe anyone an explanation Jose, but it is appreciated bro.
Most of the old schoolers knew that Chris was the man behind the scenes and you were the face of the "other board", sometimes (actaully all of the time these days) money changes people and it looks like someone approached Chris with a dollar amount that he thought he earned it but in reality 'PEOPLE' of that board made it what it was not him. Everyone had to look no futher than one of our many GTG's specifically our Dallas & Ft.Worth x-mas parties, you could walk into either and everyone knew who you were but I know for a fact that if Chris would have attended either no one would know who he was but a select few.
Oh well it is what it is, fuck that board, Tyler and Kyle and now you and Kenny have made sure that we all have a place to hang our 'Internet Hat', home is what WE make it. I look foward to our future and by no means that we regret our past.
Many members here have met their wives/husbands, boyfriends/girlfriends, booty calls and sincere friendships have been formed. And lets not forget OUR friends that have passed away during these past 10 + years, the bond that keeps us together will never be broken...'Henry
It's good to finally get your take on things. I think a lot of people would have rather you taken a stake in this board just for the sake of keeping everyone in one place, because I think the two boards WILL separate folks, but you have the right to do what you want. Good luck.
Jose, I wish I had your number so i could have called you, but Don kept me in the loop. You will always be the person that brought all of us together and we will remember that. I hope to see you at one of the x-mas partys so we can kick back, drink a car bomb and talk about things other then "the other board"! I'll see you here or on your new site and we will have to catch a Mav game sometime.
I recondition headlights on most cars for $50.00. If interested shoot me a pm.
You really don't owe anyone an explanation Jose, but it is appreciated bro.
Most of the old schoolers knew that Chris was the man behind the scenes and you were the face of the "other board", sometimes (actaully all of the time these days) money changes people and it looks like someone approached Chris with a dollar amount that he thought he earned it but in reality 'PEOPLE' of that board made it what it was not him. Everyone had to look no futher than one of our many GTG's specifically our Dallas & Ft.Worth x-mas parties, you could walk into either and everyone knew who you were but I know for a fact that if Chris would have attended either no one would know who he was but a select few.
Oh well it is what it is, fuck that board, Tyler and Kyle and now you and Kenny have made sure that we all have a place to hang our 'Internet Hat', home is what WE make it. I look foward to our future and by no means that we regret our past.
Many members here have met their wives/husbands, boyfriends/girlfriends, booty calls and sincere friendships have been formed. And lets not forget OUR friends that have passed away during these past 10 + years, the bond that keeps us together will never be broken...'Henry
Well put sir. Not being an old schooler I have never meant u Jose but like said above thank u for all the hard work u have done over the years. If I ever do meet u I will be buying u a few rounds. Though we will split to two sites we will still be the great community we are because of people like u. Thank u
99 Mustang Project JSTA2V
going from really slow to just alittle slow
Jose, you sir are a class act ! From the first time I met you years ago to this day, you have always been a great/friendly person to be around and (drink with) and after dealing with the dick over you received from Chris, you are still a class act.
I dont know if you will ever know how many people truely have nothing but great respect for you, but we do !
2012 SRT8 Challenger 392 Hemi-6 speed
Bright Silver Metallic w/ Black Stripes
Leg Maker Inc. 4"Carbon Fiber CAI
Speedlogix Catch Can
Resonator Delete
Jose, I've never met you, but I feel I've gotten to know you through your posts on the canadian board. A lot of people around these parts respect you, and that speaks volumes about a persons character given the current state of affairs with society. That said, you got fucked IMO, and you don't owe anyone an explanation, especially trying to justify your actions.
I consider you a long time friend and wish you the best. I'll be both places, most likely here the majority of time but dropping in to motorsports frequently. Keep swinging.
As has already been said many but not nearly enough times, Thank You Jose...for all you did and all you are doing. I knew before ever meeting you that you were a class act, and you've just further reinforced that. It's been said that it's the people, not the URL that made the "other site" what it was and you were the biggest part of that.
"It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
jose, i have never met you, but i do think you were wronged. i thank you for all you put into the other site. i would consider myself an "old schooler", my join date doesn't fit as i was on under other names previously. henry, you nailed it.