I am FINALLY sitting up for the first time in 5 days. Went to the doctor last week after about a week of feeling exhausted, shortness of breath, sleepless nights due to not being able to breathe, fever, chills, double-bucket disorder, etc.
Discovered I have pneumonia and fucking swine flu. They wanted to transport me to the hospital because my oxygen level was at 82% and my pulse was racing from all the lengthy coughing spells, but I couldn't go to the ER. I had 3 kids on spring break at my grandma's house so they gave me a cocktail of meds via shot to the ass, factive, tamaflu, phenergan, ipratropium/albuterol combo for the nebulizer, and cough syrup.
The doctor said this stuff is going around real bad right now, but I haven't heard anything about pneumonia or swine flu going around.
I caught this shit from a customer who came in to make a cash payment. I think I'll raise his rates.
Just wanted to let you all know to take some extra vitamin C or whatever else there is for immune systems and avoid this shit because it's fucking horrible
Discovered I have pneumonia and fucking swine flu. They wanted to transport me to the hospital because my oxygen level was at 82% and my pulse was racing from all the lengthy coughing spells, but I couldn't go to the ER. I had 3 kids on spring break at my grandma's house so they gave me a cocktail of meds via shot to the ass, factive, tamaflu, phenergan, ipratropium/albuterol combo for the nebulizer, and cough syrup.
The doctor said this stuff is going around real bad right now, but I haven't heard anything about pneumonia or swine flu going around.

Just wanted to let you all know to take some extra vitamin C or whatever else there is for immune systems and avoid this shit because it's fucking horrible
