The road will only get rockier, and i am glad i don't have daughters. My condolences.
I guess several years down the line when you have to side with your son-in-law (hoping he is a good guy) you will look back and remember this thread with a laugh.
You must be young. The road will be much smoother without having to deal weekly with the unreasonable ex-wife. It will also improve when she no longer gets 30% of my pay enabling her to live in a large house in Frisco with hubby #3 at my expense.
The daughter and her older brothers are the joy in my life.
I just want to know why the hell you want to get married at 24? You may not be saying marriage but everything you're saying says you're looking for the one. You're 24 for forsake. You should be tapping any piece of talent worth looking at.
Considering your students get free lunches until they are 22 and get a feelgood diploma whether or not they can spell "weather", then sure. If a person is a "child" until age 22 then what is an adult?
edit said 24 meant 22. Only special cases to 24.
What in the fuck?
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
You've already been with the 39 for a while..Ignore her and give the other a chance. see which one is better to you and seems like a better fit. Age doesn't mean everything so I'd just give them both a fair chance and pick the one you like best.
You are not going to pull a quality girl going to the local dive bars or some shit. Put on a blazer or a jacket, go to uptown, and take the shotgun approach.
Are you saying there's quality girls in uptown or encouraging him to find hot women his age?