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Are you attracted to, or afraid of chaos or mass confusion?

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  • #16
    I think most folks are attracted. Just think of the traffic jams that happen from all the rubber neckers looking at car accidents.


    • #17
      I think I perform very well under pressure and in stressful situations. Not sure that I "like" it as I'm a very laid back guy, but I cope very well as I'm not one to freak out or freeze up.


      • #18
        Originally posted by bcoop View Post
        catastrophe would work as well, but I'm more specifically looking for chaos when it comes to career path. Bomb squad, SWAT guys, Infantry Military, Medics, ER Surgeons. The people in these career paths, IMO, thrive off of chaos.
        Working in the Oil and Gas industry is chaos too. Everything is always changing and you never know about your job. Business is either REALLY GOOD or REALLY BAD.
        See you later...


        • #19
          I guess I'm a fan. Just by nature when shit happens I try to interject myself in the middle of it so that rational thought can prevail. I have helped out in my fair share of wrecks and other situations where most people would walk away.

          Maybe it's because I want a high school named after me?


          • #20
            I don't like chaos. I'll make extra effort to avoid it. Sometimes a little chaos is inevitable, but I diffuse it as quickly as possible. Chaos creates mistakes and mistakes create headaches. Everything I do at work or at home or in life in general is done with consideration for the future. I'll put in extra effort now if I know it will ensure I won't have to deal with any problems in the future. Once and done, done right and out of sight, makes my brain happy.


            • #21
              Originally posted by bcoop View Post
              Think, restaurant kitchen in the middle of dinner rush. People running around like chickens with their heads cut off, loud noises, people yelling, arguing, running, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy when everything around you is urgent and falling apart. Rules changing every second, etc.

              That's just one example.
              In this instance I would be hitting the bricks. Fuck that noise.


              • #22
                I've always been attracted to natural disasters, big thunderstorms, etc. They excite me, and I love to see the aftermath. Would love to be a stormchaser and follow a tornado, think that would be amazing.

                As far as random chaos, or loud noises with no discernable source... not really.


                • #23
                  The world is a funny place. I'm considering a career change. But part of why I've been successful, is because I thrive on chaos. I can keep a cool head in the most insane of situations. Fires, weeds, rush hour, etc... This is when I'm at my best. I'm an obvious type A personality.

                  Exactly 2 hours and 14 minutes after I posted this poll, I found out i lost a coworker, but above that a close friend, and mentor. Someone I had been talking to about my aversion to chaos and confusion. Almost as if I feel handcuffed to my industry. This was one of the things we discussed for over an hour yesterday. Godpseed Biff. Love you like a father. You've helped me in ways I can't even express. Just wish you were around for a while longer, as the world lost a good man.
                  Originally posted by BradM
                  But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                  Originally posted by Leah
                  In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                    Think, restaurant kitchen in the middle of dinner rush. People running around like chickens with their heads cut off, loud noises, people yelling, arguing, running, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy when everything around you is urgent and falling apart. Rules changing every second, etc.

                    That's just one example.
                    That sounds like the mortgage industry the past few years. I am good at maintaining normalcy/keeping a level head even though there's lots of "emergency" phone calls.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by SVT Lurch View Post
                      That sounds like the mortgage industry the past few years. I am good at maintaining normalcy/keeping a level head even though there's lots of "emergency" phone calls.
                      That's key. Being able to filter out the signal from the noise is what makes some people good and handling stress and others fall apart. If you can keep an even keel you can step up, become the leader and bring in some normality when everyone else is pulling their Chicken Little shit. Most people can't do this though.

                      Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                      The world is a funny place. I'm considering a career change. But part of why I've been successful, is because I thrive on chaos. I can keep a cool head in the most insane of situations. Fires, weeds, rush hour, etc... This is when I'm at my best. I'm an obvious type A personality.

                      Exactly 2 hours and 14 minutes after I posted this poll, I found out i lost a coworker, but above that a close friend, and mentor. Someone I had been talking to about my aversion to chaos and confusion. Almost as if I feel handcuffed to my industry. This was one of the things we discussed for over an hour yesterday.
                      Sorry to hear about your friend
                      I've thought (somewhat) about what you're mentioning. After being in an environment where you get used to the chaos and hustle I'd imagine it's a bit of a culture shock to move to a "calm" job. I don't think I could handle it. I'd be bored as hell and probably hate it. I'm saving those kind of jobs for much later in life when I physically can't keep up with the craziness.


                      • #26
                        I am halfway into my 5th straight year here in Afghanistan and I chomp at the bit to get out into some stupid shit. Lately my chain won't let me get that far and I hate it but it keeps me safer. Nothing like the feeling you get when your balls start to tingle when your spidy senses kick in. lol A 9-5 job is going to suck next year when i call it quits. I may have to take up skydiving.
                        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                          Exactly 2 hours and 14 minutes after I posted this poll, I found out i lost a coworker, but above that a close friend, and mentor. Someone I had been talking to about my aversion to chaos and confusion. Almost as if I feel handcuffed to my industry. This was one of the things we discussed for over an hour yesterday. Godpseed Biff. Love you like a father. You've helped me in ways I can't even express. Just wish you were around for a while longer, as the world lost a good man.
                          I'm sorry to hear that.

                          Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                          That's key. Being able to filter out the signal from the noise is what makes some people good and handling stress and others fall apart. If you can keep an even keel you can step up, become the leader and bring in some normality when everyone else is pulling their Chicken Little shit. Most people can't do this though.
                          Yeah, it was weird at first when there were people who had been doing this 15-20 years freaking out and coming to me for help (even when I had only been here a year). Now I realize what you said and that I am blessed to be able to handle it.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Kenny_Stang View Post
                            I've always been attracted to natural disasters, big thunderstorms, etc. They excite me, and I love to see the aftermath. Would love to be a stormchaser and follow a tornado, think that would be amazing.

                            As far as random chaos, or loud noises with no discernable source... not really.
                            Hell yeah. I think tornadoe chasing would be fun too. Like with the earthquake and flooding, the power of mother nature is just insane to witness. Seeing something like that just reminds you how small and feeble we really are.


                            • #29
                              I think a lot has to do with personality types and upbringing and what not.

                              I am definitely attracted to it, only recently did I realize that, but when I think about it I was always that way growing up. People have actually asked if there is something wrong with me or if Im suicidal. Now these were pretty passive people, as I dont believe I take uneccessary risks nor do I have a death wish. I am just not afraid of it and have a view most people think is odd about it lol.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Danny46 View Post
                                I think a lot has to do with personality types and upbringing and what not.

                                I am definitely attracted to it, only recently did I realize that, but when I think about it I was always that way growing up. People have actually asked if there is something wrong with me or if Im suicidal. Now these were pretty passive people, as I dont believe I take uneccessary risks nor do I have a death wish. I am just not afraid of it and have a view most people think is odd about it lol.
                                See, I can relate to it. I'm in the Foodservice industry. Very chaotic place. My Dad tried to talk me out of my career path for 3 years. But I wound up here, and have been very successful (not trying to toot my own horn). It's just hard to pull away from.
                                Originally posted by BradM
                                But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                                Originally posted by Leah
                                In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.

