UGHHH!!! I can't stand it when customer's call in asking for information but really all the want to do is argue with you and tell you the information you are giving them is wrong.
Speaking to around 50 people a day for the last 4 years, has helped me come to terms with the fact that most of America (that I speak with) is beyond Forest Gump stupid.
Speaking to around 50 people a day for the last 4 years, has helped me come to terms with the fact that most of America (that I speak with) is beyond Forest Gump stupid.
<----Works in default mortgage.
I'm a supervisor in collections for home loans. We're definatly on the same page, my friend.
I work in a call center and usually take 60-80 phone calls a day, and I agree people are stupid and can't follow even the most simple commands or instructions. Some days I go home and want to kick puppies, but I only have fish so I threaten them menacingly through the glass.
Originally posted by Nash B.
Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.
I understand thier frustration, but what I don't understand is people going off on me for giving them the right information just because someone else they talked to didn't. Somtimes I just want to tell them to shutup and listen.
I'd blow my head off if I had to work full-time in a call center. I build them, work with folks who run them and work them - but never been in a call center. Especially if you're in a collections type call center - gawd that has to be the worst. Outbound dialing and dealing with people who hate you from the get go.
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
I understand thier frustration, but what I don't understand is people going off on me for giving them the right information just because someone else they talked to didn't. Somtimes I just want to tell them to shutup and listen.
Always put yourself in their shoes. Long MoH sessions, frustration to begin with and then rinse/repeat for DIFFERENT news - especially if it is bad news.
Remember people calling you probably have 1001 other things they need to be doing besides calling you. (depending on what your call center does of course)
When I build call centers, I always advise on methods to get callers taken care of with least amount of frustration to the caller. Funny part is, some customers prefer to keep customers at a distance if at all possible.
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
I'd blow my head off if I had to work full-time in a call center. I build them, work with folks who run them and work them - but never been in a call center. Especially if you're in a collections type call center - gawd that has to be the worst. Outbound dialing and dealing with people who hate you from the get go.
Yup worst deal ever. I get great benifits and pay, but the job is tough.
Positive note, the job is turning me into a heartless asshole. That in turn is also helping me score hotter chicks and get laid more, lol.
Always put yourself in their shoes. Long MoH sessions, frustration to begin with and then rinse/repeat for DIFFERENT news - especially if it is bad news.
Remember people calling you probably have 1001 other things they need to be doing besides calling you. (depending on what your call center does of course)
When I build call centers, I always advise on methods to get callers taken care of with least amount of frustration to the caller. Funny part is, some customers prefer to keep customers at a distance if at all possible.
I try, but it's really really hard. I let them vent, but can only handle so much. In then end, I know it's not me personally they are mad at...but after someone ripping your head off verbally for so long and personally insulting you it's hard not too blow up.
I've found letting them vent for a few minutes without interuppting usually works. Most of the time they just want someone to listen. I can't always fix things but if I listen it seems to calm them down more times than none.