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Co-workers that show no effort

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  • Co-workers that show no effort

    Is it wrong for me as their team lead to get upset?
    Scenerio- I turn a ticket over to the floor tech for a PC with a virus. It's a contractor computer so I don't have a name but I have the IP address which I can look in our DHCP server to get the mac, which then I goto the switch and figure out the switch port. I give all that information to the floor tech.

    He asks me this morning what floor? I know what floor because of the IP address - the other desktop guys know the floor IP addresses as well. So I tell the tech to go look it up and he just says where do I go for that? So I tell him where the document is and the name..and he just says well tell me what floor. Am I being a tard for thinking this guy is lazy?

  • #2
    Or just that stupid...


    • #3
      Sounds to me like he needs to be replaced with someone that knows how/wants to do the job.
      "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


      • #4
        How much time would both of you have saved if you had just told him which floor it was from VS. him having to look it up. Being a team leader means that you're in charge of getting shit done effectively and efficiently. Your unwillingness to share knowledge that you have affects both of those.
        "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


        • #5
          Is he new? While I agree he should know his job I also think as a lead you should explain how you know what floor it is and in the future give him all the info you have instead of holding onto some of it and getting upset when he requests it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
            How much time would both of you have saved if you had just told him which floor it was from VS. him having to look it up. Being a team leader means that you're in charge of getting shit done effectively and efficiently. Your unwillingness to share knowledge that you have affects both of those.
            This is what I thought after reading it. If you already know the floor, tell him. UNLESS, he has no idea how to figure it out, then it is a learning opportunity.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
              How much time would both of you have saved if you had just told him which floor it was from VS. him having to look it up. Being a team leader means that you're in charge of getting shit done effectively and efficiently. Your unwillingness to share knowledge that you have affects both of those.

              But if he truley doesn't know how to find it I would show him and tell him this is his one and only time.
              Originally posted by Nash B.
              Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


              • #8
                No, I get annoyed by it several times a day. You have a job. You're expected to know how to do that job. I'll tell someone once, but after that one time, you ask me a stupid question again, and I will put you on the spot and hang you out to dry in a less than discrete manner. If someone is really making an effort, that's one thing. It's the lack of effort that kills me. I work with a couple of 50 somethings, that Absolutely blow my mind. Lazy, lazy, lazy.
                Originally posted by BradM
                But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                Originally posted by Leah
                In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
                  How much time would both of you have saved if you had just told him which floor it was from VS. him having to look it up. Being a team leader means that you're in charge of getting shit done effectively and efficiently. Your unwillingness to share knowledge that you have affects both of those.
                  You've never been a team leader huh? He's also got to let people figure this stuff out and learn. If he gets into that habit it's always going to be easier and quicker for the lazy guy to just come ask him questions instead of figuring out.


                  • #10
                    He's not new. He has been on the team since 2003ish. I guess my perception of this guy hurts my attitude towards him. I and the boss have had talks with him that he needs to step up more as a role model to the newer guys. I can't give you all the history as it would take all day. And it's classified, but let's just say he has never done more than what was absolutely required.

                    Yeah it would have saved more time if I just told him. I guess I should have done that and talked with him afterwards.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                      You've never been a team leader huh? He's also got to let people figure this stuff out and learn. If he gets into that habit it's always going to be easier and quicker for the lazy guy to just come ask him questions instead of figuring out.
                      No, but I've been a part of a team. He's asked one time. If it happens more, go and show him how to look it up. Everybody on a team has their duties that they are expected to know, but it's the team leads duty to make sure that those duties are carried out, even if he has to answer a simple question from time to time.
                      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                      • #12
                        Stupid assholes like that hurt the morale for the rest of the team.

                        Come in at 9:30 take a nap until 10:45, then walk in my office and ask...can I borrow your tools? (after you have been told to get your own and get re-imbursed) I hate those asshole and will actively make sure I don't have to work with them. They give plenty of rope, you just got to document.

                        Why try hard when your punished for doing your job ie: when lazy asshole doesn't want to pull weight...guess who gets to do the work instead....A STABLE EMPLOYEE.

                        No one knows everything and everyone needs help sometimes, but your attitude prior to the request will dictate the given response.

                        It is amazing what you can learn by simple getting involved in the problem. Effort is becoming a foreign word.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
                          No, but I've been a part of a team. He's asked one time. If it happens more, go and show him how to look it up. Everybody on a team has their duties that they are expected to know, but it's the team leads duty to make sure that those duties are carried out, even if he has to answer a simple question from time to time.
                          You'll change your opinion when you start seeing how often people try to get you to do their work for them just because it's easier to ask. Eventually he will go from lead to manager and then he will definitely need to distance himself from doing the actual technical work and let the team do it.


                          • #14
                            If your subordinate does not know how to perform their job - it is YOUR fault.
                            Train them to do the job, and if they can't, replace them with someone who can remember what they've been taught.

                            I work with several people that don't know how to perform tasks that are extremely simple to me. I'm not sure how they don't know these things - but they do also have knowledge in other areas that I don't.

                            Just because somebody doesn't know 1 thing doesn't mean they are useless.


                            • #15
                              I think this post is just worded wrong or all the info isnt being given (like you might have done to the person you are complaining about). There are two scenarios that people are arguing. Here is what I see.....

                              "I researched something, gave the guy some of the info and am now bitching and moaning because he wants the rest of the info"
                              In that scenario, your a shitty team lead and need to be demoted to janitor.

                              "I gave the guy the info and as he has done many times in the past he is too lazy to do all the work even though he has been shown how to many times"
                              In that scenario then you need to fire him and get someone who will appreciate that paycheck.

