Simple fact is this. If smokers would be more courteous it wouldn't come down to this. Non smokers are expected to respect the fact that smokers smoke, but smokers aren't in turn, expected to respect the clean air request of non smokers. So I say fuck those greedy bastards. Go stink up your own space.
I was here first. Go be lame somewhere else.
"Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson
Hell no smoking shouldnt be banned from bars. This is America! Land of the Free is what they say! But the goverment is slowly taking that away.
GOD BLESS TEXAS August Landscaping 214-779-7278
Seb's high class.
He'll mow your grass.
He'll kick your ass.
And while his kidney stones pass,
He'll piss in a glass!
I don't smoke . I would rather not fucking smell like it.
Smoking is fucking nasty and honesty smokers are some of the most inconsiderate people around.
For the first time in years I went to a bar in Dallas a few weeks ago to watch a friends band play I didn't know about the smoking ban.
Fuck it was nice to be able to enjoy the show with out struggling to breath, my eyes burning or walking out of there smelling like a ash tray.
That's why I have had plenty of chances to work part time jobs at bars, and don't. I filled in once for a guy in the Stock Yards and came home smelling like a damn ashtray.
I walked into the garage and stripped in the laundry room, then headed straight for the shower.
Have smoking bars and non smoking bars. See what makes the most money.
Like Matt im on month 9 of no smokes. I could give to shits about someone smoking. Sure it stinks, but so does the dude at the gyms bo.
It sucks being told what you can and can not do. Especially something as stupid as this.
I really do feel for the kids a few generations down from us. 40 years ago smoking was the acceptable thing todo.
I actually think alot of the people who did quite myself included was it was just to damn expensive. If im going to spend that much i might as well buy some coke.
As a former smoker, I am so disgusted with smelling it nowadays. I cant be around it. That being said, it shouldn't be banned in places like bars. Restaurants yes, but not bars. It comes with the territory. I'd say like the CHL law if an establishment gets 51% of its revenue from alcohol sales, then they should be able to allow smoking. That's my feelings on the matter.
I dont smoke either! But its not the goverments place or any of yalls place to tell me or anyone where or when a person can smoke. What happened to this country and the people in it.
Just the same as some of you say you dont have to smoke. you dont have to eat there or dance or drink there if it bothers you.
GOD BLESS TEXAS August Landscaping 214-779-7278
Seb's high class.
He'll mow your grass.
He'll kick your ass.
And while his kidney stones pass,
He'll piss in a glass!
This is probably the one place i don't mind government over stepping it's bounds.
I don't think it's the government's job to legislate what a business is allowed to do with an over the counter product like cigarettes, but fuck, i absolutely hate them.