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need help with plate #

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  • #61
    Originally posted by longshot View Post
    some jackass just road raged on my wife becuase her lane ran out and she had to get over. he proceeded to folow her to a red light and beat on her window and call her a fucking cunt. before i report this to the police can anyone help me do my own research and then maybe he can call me names and beat on my window . anyway the plate was texas TCV420 any help would be great. happened in carrollton about 4 p.m. today.

    Schedule a CHL class for your wife. I'd take a chance on dealing with brandishing a weapon accusation in that scenario. People trying to attack you in your car usually calm the fuck down when you lift up your shirt and pull out a .40 then tap it on the window. In fact, it even has this strange effect of making them disappear from your sight all together. And you go about your merry way.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
      Schedule a CHL class for your wife. I'd take a chance on dealing with brandishing a weapon accusation in that scenario. People trying to attack you in your car usually calm the fuck down when you lift up your shirt and pull out a .40 then tap it on the window. In fact, it even has this strange effect of making them disappear from your sight all together. And you go about your merry way.
      Didnt Texas just pass a law saying You didn't have to have a CHL to have a firearm concealed in the car?


      • #63
        Originally posted by Your Name Here View Post
        Didnt Texas just pass a law saying You didn't have to have a CHL to have a firearm concealed in the car?
        Correct. You can carry a weapon in your car that is not in plain sight. The Castle Doctrine now recognizes your vehicle and extension of your home. However, nothing beats having a weapon on your person at all times. And not just confined to keeping it concealed in your car.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
          Correct. You can carry a weapon in your car that is not in plain sight. The Castle Doctrine now recognizes your vehicle and extension of your home. However, nothing beats having a weapon on your person at all times. And not just confined to keeping it concealed in your car.
          Do you have to declare the weapon if you're pulled over? What are the details here?
          Originally posted by Taya Kyle, American Gun
          There comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.


          • #65
            Originally posted by longshot View Post
            dont really care about post counts, i guess i am just not as cool as some people on here
            My post was about your inability to navigate and utilize the forum, not your post count. Apparently, you don't care much about logic, either. I'd bet this thread is a lie:

            Originally posted by longshot View Post
            some jackass just road raged on my wife becuase her lane ran out and she had to get over. he proceeded to folow her to a red light and beat on her window and call her a fucking cunt. before i report this to the police can anyone help me do my own research and then maybe he can call me names and beat on my window . anyway the plate was texas TCV420 any help would be great. happened in carrollton about 4 p.m. today.

            Originally posted by longshot View Post
            her lane was not ending his was, and he chase her for about a mile to get out and beat on her window. she got the plate # when he past her after the fact.
            I'm gonna break out my jump to conclusions mat, and presume you 1: don't have a girlfriend, and 2: are making this shit up to get some personal info on somebody that flipped you the bird in traffic, but you were too chicken shit to confront him, so you're, "gonna go do something about it." Whatever.
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


            • #66


              • #67
                Originally posted by Your Name Here View Post
                Didnt Texas just pass a law saying You didn't have to have a CHL to have a firearm concealed in the car?


                • #68
                  People are just plain stupid.

                  A driver ran a red light in front of my wife in Frisco, and had the gall to flip her off because she didn't get out of his way fast enough.

                  I wished she had gotten his plate number.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Darren M View Post
                    Do you have to declare the weapon if you're pulled over? What are the details here?
                    I don't believe that you are obligated to, but just as with your CHL, it's recommend you let them know anyway. However, if you get pulled over for a minor traffic infraction and you're sober with no warrants. I probably wouldn't bother to mention it. Just remain still and be cool. Remember....Since it's an extension of the Castle Doctrine, it has to be your vehicle. Carrying it around in your friends car won't fly.


                    • #70
                      Damn woman need to stay out of my way next time
                      GOD BLESS TEXAS
                      August Landscaping
                      Seb's high class.
                      He'll mow your grass.
                      He'll kick your ass.
                      And while his kidney stones pass,
                      He'll piss in a glass!


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Yale View Post
                        My post was about your inability to navigate and utilize the forum, not your post count. Apparently, you don't care much about logic, either. I'd bet this thread is a lie:

                        I'm gonna break out my jump to conclusions mat, and presume you 1: don't have a girlfriend, and 2: are making this shit up to get some personal info on somebody that flipped you the bird in traffic, but you were too chicken shit to confront him, so you're, "gonna go do something about it." Whatever.
                        you are correct sir i dont have a girlfriend i have a wife of 18 yrs. so fuck off and die punk as far as this thread being a lie it is 100 percent much the truth there has been charges filed for terroristic threats and detective has contacted us concerning the case . so go play on someone elses thread .


                        • #72
                          So did you get any help on the plate???


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by longshot View Post
                            you are correct sir i dont have a girlfriend i have a wife of 18 yrs. so fuck off and die punk as far as this thread being a lie it is 100 percent much the truth there has been charges filed for terroristic threats and detective has contacted us concerning the case . so go play on someone elses thread .
                            LOL, and I bet your wife is getting railed on the side by someone who can actually handle things.

                            It's a shame they can't charge you for being a pussy.


                            • #74
                              Mike you are killin it tonight. lol


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
                                Mike you are killin it tonight. lol

                                It's been a long week at work.

