racial remarks of any nationality are hurtful to people they are not directed.
its all the same thing.there is a term for all nationals
racial remarks of any nationality are hurtful to people they are not directed.
its all the same thing.there is a term for all nationals
to bad.i could care less.just as he cares less bout kicking the shit out of me.u
I doubt Jim has any problem with me, and if I needed something i'm willing to bet he would help.
The same could be said for you.. no wait it cant because you parade around on here talking to yourself and making idle threats to people you know nothing about. You're like the new kid at school that walked right up to a group of friends and started talking shit to fit in. nobody knows you, nobody seems to like you, yet you keep on pushing.
My advice would be bounce. log the fuck off and don't come back. if you do, i'd suggest using a pseudonym (that means false name) and not talking so much shit. It may actually do you some good.
kind of a dick move to keep harping on something like that. He took a round between the eyes so fucktards like you can continue parading around being, well, fucktards.
to bad.i could care less.just as he cares less bout kicking the shit out of me.u
kind of a dick move to keep harping on something like that. He took a round between the eyes so fucktards like you can continue parading around being, well, fucktards.
My point is still.whiteboy is a racist.dallas mustang has a racist mf working there parts counter.nuff said.whats ur tie to whiteboy who call all black people worthless pieces of shit.
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