Originally posted by MR EDD
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Our Carless?
Angy custmore called.dam tech ran over sumones mail box.dont want to give yall anymore ammo agains
eddins mechanical heat and air
call us if u get hot.
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Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostNah Denny, I don't ask anyone to fight my fights. I just am pointing out if I'm in a fight, I'll use my cane or anything else that comes in arm's reach to win. I don't do fisticuffs
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Got go put out a fire.agry custmor b back on later.dont want anymore shitty internet ads.dont want yall to have anymore ammo.
Service man ran over a mailbox and drove off.damit.
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Originally posted by Denny View PostSo you're saying you need a stand-in to make it a fair fight? You'll have to wait a few months before I get back into country, but if it's a good enough reason (this would fall into that category), then I'll take a beating for the team. MR EDD would probably pound my 175lb. ass into the ground, but what the heck...
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Originally posted by forever_frost View Postwow, you got taken. I had my motor swaped by the school's auto shop and it cost me 350 for the engine and install. You really don't make very good financial decisions do you?
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Originally posted by denny View Postso you're saying you need a stand-in to make it a fair fight? You'll have to wait a few months before i get back into country, but if it's a good enough reason (this would fall into that category), then i'll take a beating for the team. Mr edd would probably pound my 175lb. Ass into the ground, but what the heck...
What country are u in.
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Originally posted by forever_frost View Posti was shot in the head in iraq while providing cover fire for my platoon who were engaged in a rescue mission, saving another of our platoons and a house of civilians who were being shot up and shot at by insurgents. I took a bullet in the skull because i was on top of a humvee instead of ducking and hiding so that my guys could get the protection and care they needed.
Now, off my soap box. Who the hell talks about themselves in 3rd person? Really. I don't say "frost angry." no, i can function above the most primitive level, and look, even with frontal lobe damage, brain lesions and enough medication and antipsychotics to take down a wing of terrell state hospital, i can still type circles around you. And should you be stupid enough to try to call me out for a fist fight, know this. I have a cane. I have a head injury. I'm 100% absolutely disabled. I don't believe in a fair fight.
And we're talking about the reviews that were copied and pasted repeatedly. You're trying to fluff up your own business, yet you admit that you were trying to overcharge someone 2k for an 80 dollar issue. That's fraud and theft. You're butt hurt because you got caught so of course you had to refund your bs 70 dollar service charge. What are you going to do? Keep it? When they kicked you out and found out your guys lied?
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Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostI was shot in the head in Iraq while providing cover fire for my platoon who were engaged in a rescue mission, saving another of our platoons and a house of civilians who were being shot up and shot at by insurgents. I took a bullet in the skull because I was on top of a Humvee instead of ducking and hiding so that my guys could get the protection and care they needed.
Now, off my soap box. Who the hell talks about themselves in 3rd person? Really. I don't say "Frost angry." No, I can function above the most primitive level, and look, even with frontal lobe damage, brain lesions and enough medication and antipsychotics to take down a wing of Terrell State Hospital, I can still type circles around you. And should you be stupid enough to try to call me out for a fist fight, know this. I have a cane. I have a head injury. I'm 100% absolutely disabled. I don't believe in a fair fight.
And we're talking about the reviews that were copied and pasted repeatedly. You're trying to fluff up your own business, yet you admit that you were trying to overcharge someone 2k for an 80 dollar issue. That's fraud and theft. You're butt hurt because you got caught so of COURSE you had to refund your BS 70 dollar service charge. What are you going to do? Keep it? When they kicked you out and found out your guys lied?
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Originally posted by MR EDD View PostI had to call the police to recover my car.they refuse to let me get my car back.they refused a number of times.
6months to do a mtr swap and tranny swap.does this sound right to u.
6months and 13k less and a unassembled car.if i didnt get my car they shop would have closed down with the car in the shop.just as they went belly up.
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