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Your Opinion Of The Death Penalty...

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  • #46
    Originally posted by asphaltjunkie View Post
    i think we should use them all for authentic movie stunts. Making a movie and have a scene where a guy falls out of a plane? Want to make it look real? Grab a death row inmate and shove him out the door!


    • #47
      Originally posted by sc281 View Post
      That was a pretty cool movie.

      On topic, I'm for it but with what others have said. Simply have DNA evidence to convict or an admission of guilt.


      • #48
        Originally posted by TENGRAM View Post
        I guess I'm the only one here against it.
        You're not.

        I could never support such a punishment when our Criminal Justice System is flawed to the point that there is no shortage of exonerations. Although there isn't a police officer alive that's wrongfully arrested someone.

        The appeal process is lengthy in Capital offense cases so that we can avoid the killing of an innocent person. That process is flawed, too.

        Even then, factual innocence isn't a proper appeal according to Justice Scalia.

        So how can we support the system as it currently is constructed?

        I don't really have a problem with the punishment so much as I have a problem with a flawed system.

        "Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached." - Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia


        • #49
          Ya know, I support it. However, we need to be sure they are guilty. Anyone who would argue against DNA tests for a prisoner about to die - may have something to hide.

          However, I also don't feel prison should be as free as it is. Prison should not be a place where gangs exist, people ass fuck each other and where idiots continue to act like idiots.

          I feel our prison system probably does more harm then good. If we're going to make prison tough, make it tough by our standards - no inter gang rivals and all that bullshit.
          Originally posted by MR EDD
          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


          • #50
            I'm all for it and think it needs to be used more, also once convicted the wait should be no more than a week.
            Like the fucker they executed last week that killed the Mentally retarded girl back in the mid 90s. 15 years later they finally do it, fuck that his ass should have fried the same day.
            I also think anyone convicted of any type of child sex crimes should be executed, fuck being put on a sex offender list, just list that person as sex offender on their head stone.


            • #51
              just an update...

              the jury took 14 minutes to convict this idiot. and he received the death penalty...

              justice is served in harrison county...


              • #52
                Originally posted by TonyMCev View Post
                just an update...

                the jury took 14 minutes to convict this idiot. and he received the death penalty...

                justice is served in harrison county...
                And after 15-20 years he'll finally get the needle.

                I'm all for a fair trial with DNA evidence or whatever, but when it's done - march them out back and take care of business - preferably in public. The gang bangers and wanna be tough guys need to see what's it like to dance on the end of a rope and decide if that's for them.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by mikeb View Post
                  And after 15-20 years he'll finally get the needle.

                  I'm all for a fair trial with DNA evidence or whatever, but when it's done - march them out back and take care of business - preferably in public. The gang bangers and wanna be tough guys need to see what's it like to dance on the end of a rope and decide if that's for them.
                  I'm with this guy, public executions, with them being hangings.

                  Originally posted by SSMAN
                  ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                  • #54
                    Put them on an island and let them fend for themselves. Also, throw in the crazies that got off with a insanity plea.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by CJ-95GT View Post
                      Put them on an island and let them fend for themselves. Also, throw in the crazies that got off with a insanity plea.


                      • #56
                        I was thinking more along the lines of Manhattan & Snake Plissken.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by slow55 View Post
                          I'm all for it and think it needs to be used more, also once convicted the wait should be no more than a week.
                          Like the fucker they executed last week that killed the Mentally retarded girl back in the mid 90s. 15 years later they finally do it, fuck that his ass should have fried the same day.
                          I also think anyone convicted of any type of child sex crimes should be executed, fuck being put on a sex offender list, just list that person as sex offender on their head stone.
                          absolutely agree,

                          Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by CJ-95GT View Post
                            Put them on an island and let them fend for themselves.


                            • #59
                              I whole heartedly believe in the death penalty...

                              I wish the system "processed" death row inmates faster...

                              As for the few innocent that were wrongly executed..... ehhhhh... whatever. innocent people die Everyday, from something or someone... Besides all those "innocent" people probably had some kind of past that put them on the police's radar...
                              Yes it sucks to execute an innocent man, but then what? your going to stop the entire system for 1 person? with that mentality the whole criminal system would fail...

                              Remember the criminal system is not about 1 person, its what should be done to those people who break the law, commit horrible crimes, to keep the greater good, free of them.


                              • #60
                                My opinion is that some people reach a point of uselessness to society, have no redeeming qualities and are not capable of rehabilitation. They should be put out of their misery.
                                class joke
                                char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
                                double Peas, Carrots;
                                string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)

