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Your Opinion Of The Death Penalty...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
    Read last statements and last meals and your obsession will grow
    Interesting stuff here:

    There are some long ones also, but the short and to the point statements are quite intriguing.

    Date of Execution:
    October 21, 2010

    Wooten, Larry

    Last Statement:
    No sir. Warden, Since I don't have nothing to say, you can go ahead and send me to my Heavenly Father.

    Date of Execution:
    May 17, 1990

    Johnny Anderson #732

    Last Statement:
    I would like to point out that I have written a statement and the Warden will give you a copy. I still proclaim I am innocent, and that’s all I have to say.

    Date of Execution:
    November 12, 1991

    G.W. Green #576

    Last Statement
    Let’s do it, man. Lock and load. Ain’t life a [expletive deleted]?

    Date of Execution:
    March 3, 1992

    Edward Ellis #749

    Last Statement:
    I just want everyone to know that the prosecutor and Bill Scott are sorry sons of bitches.

    Date of Execution:

    May 12, 1993

    Leonel Torres Herrera #702

    Last Statement:
    I am innocent, innocent, innocent. Make no mistake about this; I owe society nothing. Continue the struggle for human rights, helping those who are innocent, especially Mr. Graham. I am an innocent man, and something very wrong is taking place tonight. May God bless you all. I am ready.
    Last edited by Strychnine; 03-03-2011, 12:18 AM.


    • #17
      I guess I'm the only one here against it.


      • #18
        Ron White "texas is putting in a fast lane"


        • #19
          Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
          Ron White "texas is putting in a fast lane"
          Express lane?


          • #20
            I'm against it, but for purely monetary reasons. The cost to try someone with intention of seeking the death penalty is more expensive than simply seeking a life sentence, because the appeals process has been streamlined through legislation, so the burden of proof is higher. It's crazy:

            County esti?mates in Texas indi?cate that the death penal?ty sys?tem is much more expen?sive than sen?tenc?ing inmates to life...
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


            • #21
              Originally posted by Blakeski View Post
              I'm all for the death penalty, however it is really upsetting that they make people sit and wait for years to die. I don't want to feed those fuckers. I also think that hanging people should be brought back along with firing squad. I think that if you commit a brutal murder you shouldn't have a "peaceful" death. You should suffer for the people who lost a loved one. All in all the whole prison system is fucked up. I think violent offenders should be in a outside prison, sleep in a tent, and grow their own food. Make it the most shitty living that is rehablitation.
              I agree with this 100%, They should bring back public hangings, and the chair.


              • #22
                I think we don't use it enough and we wait too long once convicted to put it into effect.. If you kill someone, your dead!! Also think you should be killed just as the person you killed.. You shoot someone, you get shot. Drunk driving? Guess what we are putting you in a car with no seat belt, mashing the pedal with a brick and finding the closest wall and smash!!! But maybe that's just me! :-)


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Blakeski View Post
                  I'm all for the death penalty, however it is really upsetting that they make people sit and wait for years to die. I don't want to feed those fuckers. I also think that hanging people should be brought back along with firing squad. I think that if you commit a brutal murder you shouldn't have a "peaceful" death. You should suffer for the people who lost a loved one. All in all the whole prison system is fucked up. I think violent offenders should be in a outside prison, sleep in a tent, and grow their own food. Make it the most shitty living that is rehablitation.
                  Thats kind of what I think about the whole thing.. except I think that they should recieve what they did to others- If they shot,stabbed,choked,strangled,etc... then that's how they should die...but that will never happen.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Blackpony View Post
                    I think we don't use it enough and we wait too long once convicted to put it into effect.. If you kill someone, your dead!! Also think you should be killed just as the person you killed.. You shoot someone, you get shot. Drunk driving? Guess what we are putting you in a car with no seat belt, mashing the pedal with a brick and finding the closest wall and smash!!! But maybe that's just me! :-)
                    So, fuck due process? What if you were wrongly accused?
                    ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                    • #25
                      We need an express lane for DNA confirmed killings and child molesters.


                      • #26
                        I agree with the death penalty. feeding and housing somebody for 20 years is a waste of money, time and space. Streamline the appeal and give them one in 2 years. This way they have some time to investigate their crimes and find anything that might prove their innocents. If they are still found guilty take them to the back of the court house and put a bullet to their brain.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Blakeski View Post
                          All in all the whole prison system is fucked up. I think violent offenders should be in a outside prison, sleep in a tent, and grow their own food. Make it the most shitty living that is rehabilitation.
                          Sleep in a tent? Are you crazy or do you just want them to be able to walk the streets at will? I want some concrete and steel between violent offenders and the rest of the world.
                          Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Chvyblzr1972 View Post
                            I agree with the death penalty. feeding and housing somebody for 20 years is a waste of money, time and space. Streamline the appeal and give them one in 2 years. This way they have some time to investigate their crimes and find anything that might prove their innocents. If they are still found guilty take them to the back of the court house and put a bullet to their brain.
                            Feeding and housing them for 20 years is way cheaper than executing them, and in my opinion, a way worse punishment.
                            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Yale View Post
                              Feeding and housing them for 20 years is way cheaper than executing them, and in my opinion, a way worse punishment.
                              Do you h ave any info backing that up? I am not doubting it but I am curious as to what the cost difference is from execution/housing them for 20 years.
                              Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                              Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                                Interesting stuff here:

                                There are some long ones also, but the short and to the point statements are quite intriguing.
                                Man I was hoping they would have Johnny Frank Garretts last statement. They did a pretty good documentary on that guy and how fucked up his trial was. He suppossedly told everyone on the day of his death anyone involved in his execution would be punished. Lots of peope from judges, DAs, police, etc are dead or dying. Even some folks children. Probably all coincidence, but odd nonetheless.

                                •Juror Novella Summner fell down a flight of stairs and died a few days later of complications.
                                •Juror Nathan Shackelford’s daughter died form an accidental gunshot wound to the head. His sister was run over and killed by a drunk driver.
                                •Garrett’s trial lawyer Bill Kolius died of pancreatic cancer.
                                •Garrett’s first appellate lawyer Bruce Sadler and post-conviction trial Judge Sam Kaiser contracted the same form of leukemia. Kaiser died after initially being cured. His healthy bone marrow (collected in case of recurrence) inexplicably disappeared from the hospital.
                                •Jimmy Don Boydston contracted leukemia and died.
                                •Officer Walt Yerger also died of leukemia.
                                •NBC Reporter Cathy Jones died in an airplane crash in Oklahoma while covering a story.
                                •Medical Examiner Ralph Erdemann was convicted of numerous felonies for falsifying autopsy reports. His medical license was revoked and he was sent to prison. His wife died of pancreatic cancer.
                                •Eugene “Heavy Duty” Patterson was found dead in his vehicle. A cause of death was never determined.
                                •Watley, a jailhouse snitch who testified against Garrett for a reduced sentence, committed suicide.
                                •Carol Moore, Garrett’s school teacher who testified against him at trial, also committed suicide.
                                •District Attorney Danny Hill also committed suicide. His daughter hung herself a few years later.
                                •One of Garrett’s many appellate attorneys, Jeff Blackburn lost his wife when she committed suicide. His son was accidentally locked inside a hot car in Houston and is permanently brain damaged.
                                •Ann Richards contracted cancer twice and finally succumbed to esophageal cancer

                                Im all for the death penalty.

