The sheriff announced today it was a .45 long barrel Colt and also 500 rounds on the movie set. Could you imagine the damage a .45 can do at close range?
The sheriff announced today it was a .45 long barrel Colt and also 500 rounds on the movie set. Could you imagine the damage a .45 can do at close range?
I won't be the slightest bit surprised if he never sees any charges. The two families will both sue and get rich and Alec will continue being an insufferable prick as Sean noted.
The armorer should be banned from ever handling another weapon as long as she lives.
45 Colt ( I say it that way because there's no such thing as a cartridge called a 45 Long Colt) is sort of like a 45/70 in that there are high pressure loads or low pressure loads depending on the firearm it's being shot out of. Most of the old-school revolvers do not have a top strap on them and are not very strong so they use a low pressure load that has a 250 grain bullet going about 850 feet per second. If you have a modern Ruger such as a Super Blackhawk or Super Redhawk you can use a high pressure load that pushes the same bullet at nearly double the speed. Either way the penetration even with a nearly pure lead unjacketed bullet is very good and is obviously quite lethal. I suspect that the autopsy will show that she took a bullet through the liver and it also probably struck her spine or went through her spine completely and severed the nerves.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
He's an insufferable prick who deserves whatever comes his way.
If he was a smart insufferable prick he would have a warm tongue smooth-talking attorney approached the woman's family with a check for about 5 million dollars of his own money. Depending on how the laws are written in that state he may be looking at involuntary or negligent manslaughter. I think the armorer in charge should definitely face some sort of manslaughter charge.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
45 Colt ( I say it that way because there's no such thing as a cartridge called a 45 Long Colt) is sort of like a 45/70 in that there are high pressure loads or low pressure loads depending on the firearm it's being shot out of. Most of the old-school revolvers do not have a top strap on them and are not very strong so they use a low pressure load that has a 250 grain bullet going about 850 feet per second. If you have a modern Ruger such as a Super Blackhawk or Super Redhawk you can use a high pressure load that pushes the same bullet at nearly double the speed. Either way the penetration even with a nearly pure lead unjacketed bullet is very good and is obviously quite lethal. I suspect that the autopsy will show that she took a bullet through the liver and it also probably struck her spine or went through her spine completely and severed the nerves.
Well your average layman doesn’t know the difference between Colt and ACP. I figured it’s easier to differentiate between the old western style cartridge and the semiauto variant. Not everyone is Einstein’s brother such as yourself.
45 Colt ( I say it that way because there's no such thing as a cartridge called a 45 Long Colt) is sort of like a 45/70 in that there are high pressure loads or low pressure loads depending on the firearm it's being shot out of. Most of the old-school revolvers do not have a top strap on them and are not very strong so they use a low pressure load that has a 250 grain bullet going about 850 feet per second. If you have a modern Ruger such as a Super Blackhawk or Super Redhawk you can use a high pressure load that pushes the same bullet at nearly double the speed. Either way the penetration even with a nearly pure lead unjacketed bullet is very good and is obviously quite lethal. I suspect that the autopsy will show that she took a bullet through the liver and it also probably struck her spine or went through her spine completely and severed the nerves.
Obviously good penetration as the same bullet hit two people, and from what I've heard one of her last words was that she could not feel her legs which makes me think it hit her spine too.
Originally posted by stevo
Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.
Well your average layman doesn’t know the difference between Colt and ACP. I figured it’s easier to differentiate between the old western style cartridge and the semiauto variant. Not everyone is Einstein’s brother such as yourself.
Are there any laymen on this site? Surely everyone on here is intellectually superior to the masses in some manner or other.
Are there any laymen on this site? Surely everyone on here is intellectually superior to the masses in some manner or other.
I've been an avid firearms enthusiasts and hand loader almost as long as I have been walking. I probably still had baby teeth the first time I helped my grandad load ammo. I've always figured that early exposure to lead affected my personality and is a cause of my propensity for violence or maybe that came from huffing high lead gasoline.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.