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  • The King
    @AnthonyS companies can and should be allowed to do whatever they wish regarding their policies as long as it is within the law. Thus far, requiring employees be vaccinated against COVID is not illegal.

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  • AnthonyS
    Originally posted by The King View Post
    Your employer can not require you to do anything. If you’re opposed to their policy you’re free to leave. Otherwise you can bitch and moan to them or on a website. What I am opposed to is government officials, be it Sleepy Joe or Governor Abbot, telling them by EO what they can or can not do regarding their internal company policies.

    You never answered my previous query, who is mandating COVID boosters?
    Israel. It’s not here yet, but it’s coming. Booster shots are now “approved.” See Australia, Canada and Italy too. Israel has decided you need a booster every 6 months.

    Based on most of your statements, it’s pretty tough to believe you oppose anything.

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  • AnthonyS
    OSHA has already stated they are not going to follow adverse effect reporting requirements per 26CFR1009. Since OSHA is not following their own regulations, thus breaking the law, maybe you can explain how this is legal….

    Also the claim private companies can do whatever isn’t just wrong, it’s an outright lie.

    1). Can companies do anything they want?
    2). If you don’t like it, quitting is the only recourse?
    3). Did Harvey Weinstein own a legally formed company?
    4). Why did all those actresses just quit?
    5). If companies can require anything as a condition of employment without recourse, why is Harvey in prison?
    6). Can you rejustify your position given the above?

    The mental gymnastics most people are conducting to justify these mandates requires the abandonment of logic, reason, law and a basic sense of humanity.

    Can you name any other medical procedure that doctors and nurses have been willing to lose their jobs over? Do you know more than they do? Can you name any other time doctors and nurses were actively sensored en made? Are you smarter than the people at NASA and Los Alamos National labs? Why are many of them opposed to this mandate?

    Why can’t we have an open honest discussion about any of this?

    Why is the knee jerk reaction to lie and deny any form of logic with arguments like companies can do whatever they want?

    And honestly, my point is made. I also refuse to discuss anything with people that are inherently dishonest. You may believe your own lies, but you’ve offered no reason for any reasonable person to accept them. Just because the media, most gov’t people and most people are liars, doesn’t mean I have to agree.

    The only doctor to comment to date in this thread has reservations about this issue. If that alone doesn’t raise red flags for you, there is little hope for you and as a result less hope for humanity.

    None of the data supports the decisions being made and actions being forced on people, but clearly very few are smart enough to care at all. This is the least safe, least effective vaccine ever given en masse. Or people are so brainwashed they will insist everyone join them no matter the cost. Either way your contentions on this issue only prove the opposite is likely true. The more the media and gov’t lie, the more any reasonable person would question their motives. I don’t know what the motive is, but I’m 100% certain it isn’t the common good or health. I suspect the usual motives of greed and power.

    This is shaping up to be the least satisfying most painful I told you so moment in all of history. I hope I’m wrong, but all the evidence points this direction.

    We aren’t far behind Australia or Canada, but you keep thinking this is about health. Ignorance really is bliss in this case.
    Last edited by AnthonyS; 10-21-2021, 09:19 AM. Reason: Spelling

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  • The King
    Your employer can not require you to do anything. If you’re opposed to their policy you’re free to leave. Otherwise you can bitch and moan to them or on a website. What I am opposed to is government officials, be it Sleepy Joe or Governor Abbot, telling them by EO what they can or can not do regarding their internal company policies.

    You never answered my previous query, who is mandating COVID boosters?
    Last edited by The King; 10-21-2021, 09:18 AM.

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  • 94mstng94
    Originally posted by The King View Post
    Your apparent lack of any knowledge about what OSHA medical surveillance entailed is obvious. Stick to things you personally know about next time or Google beforehand so you can fake it.

    I completely understand the OSHA qualifications, this doesn’t change the fact that you are ok with your employer requiring you to inject yourself with something experimental. Seems to be a strange hill to die on. Is it warm with all that wool on your back?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • The King
    Originally posted by 94mstng94 View Post
    Your comparison between wearing a respirator and injecting yourself with an experimental gene therapy is laughable. Really think about it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Your apparent lack of any knowledge about what OSHA medical surveillance entailed is obvious. Stick to things you personally know about next time or Google beforehand so you can fake it.

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  • 94mstng94
    Originally posted by The King View Post
    COVID vaccination policies being instituted by some employers is to me no different than the OSHA medical surveillance requirements I was subject to at a couple of my former employers. Just part of the fitness for duty to don a respirator if need be, and if didn’t want to comply with that I would of course be free to go find another employer. Politics and internet global conspiracy theories had nothing to do with it.

    Your comparison between wearing a respirator and injecting yourself with an experimental gene therapy is laughable. Really think about it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • The King
    COVID vaccination policies being instituted by some employers is to me no different than the OSHA medical surveillance requirements I was subject to at a couple of my former employers. Just part of the fitness for duty to don a respirator if need be, and if didn’t want to comply with that I would of course be free to go find another employer. Politics and internet global conspiracy theories had nothing to do with it.

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  • Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
    Will getting the shot boost your ESG score ? asking for a friend
    Yes, but not as many as if you had BLM paraphernalia and donations to the cause. Climate change policies are also x2 BONUS.

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  • bubbaearl
    i believe the main issue is if you got the trump jab the severity of covid drops dramatically . i took it because of my health and after talking with my doc . when we all had covid it was nothing more than a cold or mild flu . i agree it is a choice. your right either way . i'm not worried about being around those not vaccinated because i am .

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  • The King
    @AnthonyS these CEOs you claim are practicing medicine without a license aren’t infringing on anyone’s freedoms, if any of their employees are opposed to their corporate policies those employees have complete freedom to leave.

    @slow84lx who exactly is “mandating” another booster, and who are these sheep you claim are bitching and moaning? The only bitching and moaning seems to be coming from some of those opposed to COVID vaccination policies in the workplace, and as I opined above those individuals have the absolute right to do so as well as terminate their employment if they so choose. Clarify please.
    Last edited by The King; 10-21-2021, 06:35 AM.

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  • dcs13
    Will getting the shot boost your ESG score ? asking for a friend

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  • AnthonyS
    Based on most studies coming out of Israel vaccine effectiveness is the only thing falling faster than approval ratings. More boosters will be mandated. According to FDA today you can boost any vaccine with any vaccine. Got Moderna? How about a Pfizer or J&J booster? It’s not like this violates any medical protocols put in place for a hundred years. Get ready because every line drawn in the sand has been and will be crossed.

    You’ll love your boosters, and you’ll have a sweet app to keep track of them all on. I’m sure you’ll level up and unlock achievement points for you little booster avatar too and that will allow you extra time outside maskless too!

    Denial ain’t just a big ole river that flows north.

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  • slow84lx
    Originally posted by scootro View Post
    A lot of friends and family members bitched about having to get a third vaccine booster. I know if our government ever mentions a fourth vaccine booster as a requirement then shit's going to hit the fan! A lot of people are going to buck up over that

    Doubtful that the shit's going to hit the fan if another booster is mandated. The sheep bitched and moaned but they walked willingly into the slaughterhouse already at least twice. They'll go again....willingly.

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  • AnthonyS
    The problem with both of your contentions is that you place no limits on what corporations or unelected gov’t officials can demand, or what elected officials can demand without a vote. Forcing men to take birth control probably isn’t as far fetched as you claim. SVO likes

    to use the “outrageous” to make a valid point. It makes the point no less valid. Given all the outrageous things we see today like former men beating the crap out of women in MMA in the name of “gender equality,” it’s not really that outrageous or far fetched.

    We are on the slippery slope sliding fast, but denial and fear clearly still rule humanity in the USA.

    No one actually reads technical or legal literature and sees how outside the law and dishonest the media and many gov’t officials are being. That requires too much thought and effort.

    So transitioning males on female birth control is too far out there, but grade schoolers on hormone blockers and opposite sex hormones is a okay….. the mental gymnastics required to justify this kind of stuff is exhausting.

    It’s pretty hard to have a discussion with anyone that cannot see the disparity there.

    I’d say personal freedoms are far more important than corporate decrees. Are all these CEOs doctors? Are they practicing medicine without a license? That’s against the law in case you didn’t know. Clearly no one cares about laws anymore. We’re so afraid now, law has no place in society.

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