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  • the spindoctor
    I plan on letting them fire me. They can pay to test me every week if they want, but that seems like a logistical nightmare. Basically my entire product group is unvaccinated so this should be interesting.

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  • Trip McNeely
    Makes me glad I have my own small business. One thing I wonder if individuals will start creating LLCs and contracting to businesses. I came from the oil and gas industry and they had so many contractors within the business as “consultants.”

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  • bird_dog0347
    I've been working from home this whole time for this employer, if they have a mandate I will simply tell them to make me 100% full time remote. That should solve the problem.

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  • Tx Redneck
    Is it not still "guidance" and not law?

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  • kingjason
    Mandate this! My employer is pro choice. Besides, it has already burned thru 95 percent of us.

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  • bcoop
    Resignation letter is already written, just needs a date and signature. Waiting it out to see what happens with the mandate. Company I work for didnt want to mandate it but with 1200 employees they won’t have a choice if the mandate is enforceable.

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  • The King
    If I had any inkling that I might need a future reference from an employer I would definitely not make them fire me.

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  • line-em-up
    Are you quitting or going to make them fire you? People keep saying to make them fire you so that you may have a case against them.

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  • Grimpala
    I, nor my family will be taking the jab. I work for a defense contractor....

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  • lowthreeohz
    started a topic Quitting?


    Lots of chatter in the media about folks walking out of their jobs due to vax mandates - curious if anyone on here plans to do the same? My previous employer issued their mandate last week and i know a number of people who are retiring, resigning, or just quitting as a result.

    So, who on here has chosen that to be the hill they die on?