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Lost my dad unexpectedly today

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  • Lost my dad unexpectedly today

    This is the second worst feeling I've ever had in my life. Words cannot explain the hurt. Just needed to vent. If you still have a parent or parents, please maximize your time with them, you never know when their last day is today. 😔

  • #2
    Bubba, I'm so sorry for your loss. While I'm estranged from my dad, I still love him, but likely won't know of his passing till after the funeral. Won't hurt any less I don't think.

    You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.



    • #3
      Originally posted by SMKR View Post
      This is the second worst feeling I've ever had in my life. Words cannot explain the hurt. Just needed to vent. If you still have a parent or parents, please maximize your time with them, you never know when their last day is today. 😔
      Very sorry to hear. That’s the worst. Condolences to you and your surviving family.


      • #4
        It is a terrible feeling. My Dad and I weren't close during my teenage years but we did regain our friendship after I was married and had kids. We usually didn't agree but I learned that he was always proud of me and had my back, even though he couldn't communicate that very well. Dad passed last year after a prolonged health decline. I think of him all time and wish that I could just call him up sometime just to hear his voice and chat.

        Sorry to hear this news of your father. Take the time to grieve, and remember. The hurt will eventually fade into fond memories.

        Your family will be remembered in our prayers.


        • #5
          sorry to hear. i've been there! it sucks but time helps with the hurt


          • #6
            I'm sorry to hear that man, I'm pretty close to my dad and when he goes it will wreck me. At least with my Mom when she went we had years to get ok with it (Cancer), but unexpextedly is awful man... Talk to your family, your best friend, whomever you feel comfortable talking to who listens well. Sorry again for your loss, and don't keep your thoughts bottled up.
            Originally posted by stevo
            Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



            • #7
              Most sincere condolences to you, the family and his friends.
              Natural law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.


              • #8
                Sorry for your loss man. Lost my dad 10 years ago last February after a long stay in the hospital and than hospice. I hope he went peacefully.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
                  Bubba, I'm so sorry for your loss. While I'm estranged from my dad, I still love him, but likely won't know of his passing till after the funeral. Won't hurt any less I don't think.

                  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

                  In a similar spot. I’ve been working to mend it. I miss the old man. My egg donor though, she’s a different story.


                  • #10
                    I'm terribly sorry for your loss. My dad has had tremendous health declines in the last year starting with a heart attack and then shortly followed by lung cancer...the last few weeks he has made great progress and at this point it appears he is holding his own with the cancer but I know my time with him is limited. I know I'm going to be a wreck when I lose him. Again I'm sorry


                    • #11
                      Prayers brother. Sad part of getting older is losing loved ones, many way too soon.


                      • #12
                        I lost someone who was like a dad to me a few weeks ago. It’s been tough but gets easier with time. Even tho we saw his health declining and knew it was coming it still hurt to get the phone call. I thought I was mentally ready but I wasn’t


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by 4EyedTurd View Post
                          I lost someone who was like a dad to me a few weeks ago. It’s been tough but gets easier with time. Even tho we saw his health declining and knew it was coming it still hurt to get the phone call. I thought I was mentally ready but I wasn’t
                          Same here. I tournament fished for 7 years with someone I met on a bass fishing forum. He was 8 days younger than my dad and we grew super close over those 7 years. Even after we stopped fishing, we still talked very regularly, spent holidays together, etc. He was the only person in my life that would call me just to chat. Just to check on the wife and the kids. I called him for advice or when I just needed someone to listen.

                          He ended up battling cancer. Beat it once and it came back with a vengeance. When he was getting pretty sick with the second round, I lost it one day on the phone and told him how much I loved him and how this wasn't right. He got mad at me for getting upset because it made him cry but we told each other how much we loved each other and shared good memories.

                          It was the last time I spoke to him. He went into the hospital days later and never left. I was in the room with he and his wife and son when he passed. It's been less than a year and I still have a burning desire to call him every time something goes down or I just need a friend to talk to.

                          I wish my relationship with my dad was like that. We hardly speak. Super close family but everything went to shit when I got married and my family didn't really bond with my wife and my two new daughters.

                          OP - I hate it for you. Having lost my grandpa whom I was super close with and the man I wrote about above, it's gut-wrenching pain.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
                            Bubba, I'm so sorry for your loss. While I'm estranged from my dad, I still love him, but likely won't know of his passing till after the funeral. Won't hurt any less I don't think.

                            You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

                            Thanks Bryan, appreciate the prayers


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by bird_dog0347 View Post
                              I'm sorry to hear that man, I'm pretty close to my dad and when he goes it will wreck me. At least with my Mom when she went we had years to get ok with it (Cancer), but unexpextedly is awful man... Talk to your family, your best friend, whomever you feel comfortable talking to who listens well. Sorry again for your loss, and don't keep your thoughts bottled up.
                              See, that's how this has been. Mom had a long battle with cancer, so it's almost like I had time to accept it. This happened unexpected and has been like a horrible nightmare, rocking me to my core, so much harder than mom's passing. I think because it was so unexpected.

