And they say Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie. Yippee Ki Yay! hahahaha
No announcement yet.
Car Bomb explodes on Christmas morning in Nashville, TN
Weird. RV on a random street with restaurants and shops at 0500 Christmas morn, and it issues it's own warning to evacuate?
Starting to think this was more of an attack on AT&T than a domestic terror gave a lot of warnings to get people out of the area before it detonated..and the attack occurred when there were the least amount of people out and they wanted to minimize injuries or fatalities...but damage infrastructure only.
I’ve always joked about waiting for the time that fantasy becomes non-fiction, specifically where something like Fight Club turns into a reality.Last edited by DON SVO; 12-28-2020, 11:47 AM.Originally posted by PGreenCobraI can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!Originally posted by Trip McNeelyOriginally posted by dsrtuckteezydont downshift!!
Originally posted by ram57ta View PostStarting to think this was more of an attack on AT&T than a domestic terror gave a lot of warnings to get people out of the area before it detonated..and the attack occurred when there were the least amount of people out and they wanted to minimize injuries or fatalities...but damage infrastructure only.
Last edited by scootro; 12-26-2020, 12:50 PM.
The RV was parked there at around 1:22 AM. At around 5:30, a series of gun shot noises were heard, and locals called the police to report them. Shortly afterward, the RV started to broadcast a message warning that it was a bomb, and they had 30 minutes, and then a count down started at the 15 minute point.
Talisman and the fake news say it was the RV though.
Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
Talisman and the fake news say it was the RV though.
Originally posted by talisman View PostMore like the Great Random Dude Posting on Twitter Getting Regurgitated as Fact Conspiracy.