So we just finished selling our first round of Great Pyrenees puppies. It was our dog's first litter (we own both parents). We bought these dogs as livestock guardians but figure why not let them have a few litters and then get him or her fixed (or not?). The GP's live outside with our goats and chickens. They're not registered or anything, just run-of-the mill GP's. Still, selling 6 pups for $300 each was nice for adding a little cash back to the hobby fund.
We said goodbye to our Golden Retriever, Ivan, in March of 2019 and we're finally ready to get another Golden. My wife sends me a link to a breeder earlier and the puppies are $3,000 each. She sends another link and they're $2,200 each. These are quite obviously high pedigree dogs, but I paid $350 for Ivan in 2003 so I'm a bit sticker shocked.
Having said all that, it has me seriously considering buying a couple of high pedigree dogs and breeding them instead of buying one 'budget' dog from craigslist and getting it fixed.
We're on 8 acres. We raise goats and chickens and, more recently, Great Pyrenees. We love giving our kids the experiences that come with 'livestock' and figure adding dogs to the mix could be quite the win in more ways than one (awesome family pets + potential for solid side money). Especially if the caliber of dogs could fetch $2,000+ per puppy.
If you're still reading, have any of you ever legitimately bred dogs? I'm doing research to see what all is involved in being a legit breeder, not some back yard hack trying to sell overpriced inbred puppies.
We said goodbye to our Golden Retriever, Ivan, in March of 2019 and we're finally ready to get another Golden. My wife sends me a link to a breeder earlier and the puppies are $3,000 each. She sends another link and they're $2,200 each. These are quite obviously high pedigree dogs, but I paid $350 for Ivan in 2003 so I'm a bit sticker shocked.
Having said all that, it has me seriously considering buying a couple of high pedigree dogs and breeding them instead of buying one 'budget' dog from craigslist and getting it fixed.
We're on 8 acres. We raise goats and chickens and, more recently, Great Pyrenees. We love giving our kids the experiences that come with 'livestock' and figure adding dogs to the mix could be quite the win in more ways than one (awesome family pets + potential for solid side money). Especially if the caliber of dogs could fetch $2,000+ per puppy.
If you're still reading, have any of you ever legitimately bred dogs? I'm doing research to see what all is involved in being a legit breeder, not some back yard hack trying to sell overpriced inbred puppies.